(Chapter 6) All Human Part 2

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I scoured the church for one specific thing. I knew the ritual was being held in a sub-section of the church, but I didn't know how to get there. I scanned each of the pews, and even went into the back of the building to find the way further inside. But I came up empty every time.

Just as I was about to give up my search and punch my way into the basement, I checked behind the giant monument of the cross. It was there I noticed a particularly heavy slab that seemed out of place from the destroyed surroundings.

I lifted the giant piece of concrete with ease and found exactly what I was looking for. A stairwell down into the abyss awaited me. I drew my two new weapons and ran down as fast as I could.

"I hope I didn't waste too much time on Freed and the other fallen angels..." My mind was filled with thoughts of Asia, and hopes that I made it on time.

It was a true dungeon the further down I went. Brick walls only lit by torch light and a multitude of pathways. It almost felt like a labyrinth, but despite all the twist and turns, I managed to find the main room.

The room's size expanded at least three times what it was before, and the scenery before me made my stomach churn. Pinned to a makeshift cross with chains, and in nothing but a nightgown, Asia hung limp with her head down. Across from her was Raynare who seemed giddy about the whole thing, but once she heard my footsteps she turned around to face me. She had a face of genuine shock, but quickly masked it with her usual snarky appearance.

"I had a feeling you'd show up, but I never thought you'd make it this far. I placed those three out there plus Freed to stop you...what the hell were they doing? Can they not handle a single human male?" She scoffed underneath her breath before turning back to me.

"Well whatever, it doesn't matter. Because soon, I'll gain everything I've ever wanted."

"Asia!" I shouted out to her, wanting to make sure she was still conscious. In response to my voice, she weakly raised her head up and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on me, and I could see some relief come back to her face.


"I'll get you out of there soon, so just hang on!" I wanted to dash right up those stairs to get her down from there, but a sea of corrupt priests stood in my way. Each of them wore attire similar in style to Freed, and were quick to pull out their light swords and guns in response to my presence.

"Sit down and relax, why don't you? It's not every day you get to witness the birth of a new Sacred Gear owner." Raynare's snide and snarky attitude managed to rear its ugly head in a dire moment like this, but I didn't have time to focus on it.

"Get out of my way!" In anger, I shouted and brandished Freed's sword. A white light shot out from the hilt of the weapon as I ran forward. The priests all charged at me, but compared to Freed, they were cannon fodder.

My sword easily sliced through their bodies, cleaving some in twain while mortally wounding others. Sword combat was to my advantage here as I felled my foes one after the other. Now that I had an edge that could mortally wound and cut people, I felt unstoppable.

Realizing they couldn't best me in close quarters combat, they resorted to using their guns to fight me. Bullets flew in my direction, but I sliced those in half as well with my new weapon. My left hand shot forward as I gripped my guns handle. The trigger was squeezed and a single man's head got blown apart.

[New skill obtained: Marksmanship]

Blood and gore filled the air as the adrenaline flowed through me. I could do this. I could clear them all and save Asia with enough time.

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