(Chapter 6) All Human Part 4

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With that warm display finished, we all started moving upstairs. Miki moved with Asia to the guest room in order to help her move in, while Gorou and I stood out in the hallway. I was about to move onto my bedroom when suddenly he stopped me. He still held this intensity in his eyes, and I knew instantly he still wasn't done with me.

"I'm still angry with you, you know? I'm proud of what you've done, but still angry."

"...I know."

His gaze softened slightly before he suddenly hugged me tightly. Over the years as thanks to the systems growth, I've no doubt grown taller than the average Japanese person normally would, so currently Gorou's face was buried in my chest.

"No matter how strong and tall you become, you'll always be our child. We'll always worry about you so please, promise me, you won't ever do something like that again."

I was shocked, but happily returned the hug.

"I promise...Dad." I always held a slight aversion to calling Miki and Gorou my actual parents. After all, before I came here I still had my original parents in my life. So, suddenly calling two strangers my parents felt weird at times. But, after tonight...? It didn't feel as weird referring to them as that.

The hug lasted for a while until Dad broke it off. He cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed by what he just did. After clearing his throat, he turned back to me and started giving me questions.

"Now, I know you say you're alright, but the holes in your clothing suggest otherwise. Especially that blood that's dried up on them. You didn't..."

"Oh no, I didn't kill anyone. I just gave them the beating of a lifetime." I smiled while telling a bold faced lie. If they found out blood was actually on my hands, no doubt Mom and Dad would faint.

"Good, good..." Dad heaved a sigh before wiping the sweat off his eyebrows. The concern was still on his face as he looked at me.

"Even so, they won't try to come here and get revenge, right? It's not like that gang you got into it with before, right?"

"Yup. Don't worry, they won't come after us at all." Mainly because everyone who would try that is already dead.

"Ok...well, for now, take those clothes off and throw them into the garbage. Get cleaned up and head to bed. You have school tomorrow." His shoulders drooped down as the last of his concerns seemed to vanish.

"Yessir." With that last talk between us, I went into the bathroom and took off my ripped clothing before getting into the shower.

Feeling the hot water hit my skin again felt incredible. All the sweat and blood that had gotten caked up on my body washed down the drain, leaving me feeling refreshed and brand new.

"Blood..." I stared as it flowed down the drain and looked at my hand. The realization had dawned on me once more, that tonight, I took lives.

And not just a small amount of lives at that. The sensation of their death still lingered in my palms. But the strangest thing about all of this...was that I didn't feel anything. Normally in shows once the adrenaline wears off, people would puke their insides out, or break down into a complete and utter mess, sometimes even both. But none of that was happening. I don't feel sick, nor do I feel bad about what I did.

Is something wrong with me?

I never had the ability to murder someone in my previous life. Hell, I never even got into a fight! Yet here I am, with a body count that easily surpasses 20, and feel completely normal. I was starting to get worried.

The water that ran down my body finally stopped as I turned the shower off and cleaned myself up. I looked into the mirror and saw Issei's face staring back at me. It looked completely normal, like I had just gotten back from a run outside and was washing the sweat off my body. I felt fine, and I looked fine.

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