(Chapter 1) Awakening Part 3

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I didn't get far in my walk before, what I'm guessing to be the leader of the trio, caught sight of me. He must've assumed I was trying to save this student with how I was quickly leaving the scene and spared no effort in running from his group of fiends, and sticking himself in front of me. His frame was fairly...rotund to say the least, and he was tall for a kid his age. I had to slightly look up to meet his eyes.

"I wasn't going to get a teacher. I was just on my way back from the library..." I honestly just wanted to get this over with, there were a number of things I wanted to try and figure out about this system, and wasting anymore of my free time dealing with this group would be pointless.

"From the library? You and this kid must be friends then. You both like boring books!" Him and his goons started laughing at me and the other kid, because apparently increasing your knowledge at this age in your life is funny.

Growing increasingly tired of their antics, I tried to force my way past the giant child in front of me, but I felt a sudden shove on my shoulder that sent me back a few steps. One look into his eyes and I could tell, he was provoking me. From the corner of my eyes I could see the nearby students actively avoiding the two of us. I envied them being able to just walk away and move past this increasingly irritating situation.

"What's the matter? You scared?~ Looking for someone to help you or something? Gonna cry?" He cackled at his own horrible taunts while leaning his head back. Was everyone else scared of him or something? At the mention of looking for help, they started moving away from here even faster. Now feeling completely fed up with him, I decided to respond to his insults.

"Nah, I'm not really looking for help. I'm trying to see if I can find some slop to feed the giant pig I'm talking to right now." My hand raised up and rested on my forehead as I dramatically turned my head on a swivel, as if I were actually looking for something.

"A pig?"

"Yeah. I mean, he's got this giant tubby looking face with swollen cheeks. And his clothes clearly don't fit him seeing as I can see his navel poking out." My index finger went and prodded at his exposed mid-section, causing a few ripples to flow out from his large potbelly.

"I thought since he was bothering me, he must be hungry, ya know?" And, as a sort of icing on top of my insult, I gave the most shit eating grin I could manage.

Once he realized the "pig" I was talking about was in fact him, his face exploded into a deep crimson. The shuffling footsteps in the hallway went silent in an instant. It was quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop.

"Oh? What's the matter lil' piggy? You aren't hungry anymore?" With that last added question, any oppression he had over the other students vanished, and they all burst out into a chorus of laughter. The bully seemed to be embarrassed further as he started to bite his lower lip.

"Oh, the piggy changed into a Daruma!" I could see veins starting to pulse underneath his skin at that last Daruma comment, and got the wise idea to stake a few steps away from him.

"I-I'm not a Daruma! And I'm not a piggy either! I'm just larger than everyone else!" His size must've been a sore spot. And it was a good thing I took those steps backwards, cause he started to charge towards me at full speed.

With the distance put between us, I was able to move over to the side at the last second and dodge his bull rush while also putting my foot out to make him trip. And while it felt like my ankle nearly got torn off from the momentum of him running into it, my plan worked as the giant child fell face first into the floor, and then went tumbling down the hallway.

"Oops." I playfully say as the final nail in the coffin in hopes that he learned his lesson. The hallway went silent once again as all the students looked in his general direction. He slowly tried to stand up, placing his palm on the ground before lifting himself up. Small droplets of a crimson liquid fell on the floor as he looks over his shoulder at me. With a busted nose and the most rage filled eyes I've ever seen, he shouts at the top of his lungs.

My life as the Protagonist of Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now