Chapter 27

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Chap 27:

Two years later

Aemond froze in the doorway to his mother's chambers

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Aemond froze in the doorway to his mother's chambers. It was not unusual for himself and his siblings to dine here when his mother sought a more intimate setting then the hall. What was suspicious however, was that the table was only set for two. His mother had already taken her seat and was sipping from her goblet of wine looking ahead and not at him. Aemond glanced over his shoulder at Ser Criston who had his back to him as he stood by the door. Cole felt Aemond's stare and turned to him slightly. He gave a smirk like he was in on some secret but nodded encouragingly before pulling the door shut himself. Aemond's hands were white knuckled fists at his side as he strutted into the room and took the remaining chair.

"You've already begun." he stated, not asked. His mother pulled the cup away from her lips.

"I have been told meat without wine is a sin." she gave a small smile as she reminisced about some inside jest.

Aemond chose to ignore it as he fixed his own plate and tucked in. They ate in silence much longer then he expected, he had assumed his mother would begin to at least make small talk before she broached the subject she truly sought to discuss.

But that never happened.

Two pieces of meat pie and a mountain of roasted potatoes later he could not take it anymore.

"When are you going to corner me about. . . whatever it is on your mind?" he questioned as he gestured to her with his fork.

"What gives you the impression I had some ulterior motive tonight?" she asked before drinking more of her wine, this time looking at him over the rim.

"We are eating alone." he pointed out turning back to loading his plate yet again.

"Helaena was feeling too nauseous to eat -" his head snapped up and he looked at his mother with a wide eye. She gave a single nod and he placed the serving spoon back in the bowl of steamed vegetables, losing all appetite. Without surrendering his posture he leaned back into his chair as he looked away. Helaena was pregnant. Helaena was going to have a child. His stomach tied up in knots at the notion. While he knew this would happen sooner or later something in his mind had kept him from truly allowing himself to feel anything about it. But now that it was real he found the tips of his fingers tapping along the table nervously. Thank goodness for the tablecloth or the sound would draw his mother's attention. She did not know, and he intended to keep it that way. Thankfully it escaped her notice.

"How long?" he asked, his throat dry like sand.

"The maesters say she is already near done with her third moon."

He looked up to her confused, "She didn't say anything sooner?"

"You know your sister. She keeps to herself. And as for the others, Aegon is already passed out drunk, my father is tending to duties of the Hand." She took a sip of her wine, "Are you too old now to spend quality time with your mother?" she gave him a small grin.

Violent Delights (HotD- AemondxOC fanfic, Ewan Mitchell fanfic) smut warningWhere stories live. Discover now