Chapter 41

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Chap 41

Episode 9 part 2

Alicent was pacing the room a nervous wreck, her thoughts all spinning like a twisted, knotted ball of yarn. Helaena had insisted on returning to her own rooms, muttering something about her insects, beetle and ladybug. Aemond had stayed once he returned with Maela, but there was still one of the Queen's children unaccounted for. As Alicent paced behind her the door to her chambers opened and Ser Criston walked in.

"Prince Aegon's not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace." Cole reported as Maela looked over her shoulder at him with a blank mask concealing her feelings. She was knelt on the floor before the hearth stroking her egg and humming, her hair falling around her like a curtain; behind her Aemond sat in a chair, his back straight and rigid. He was deep in thought, so much so that Maela had not been able to bring herself to speak, to him or the Queen. The atmosphere throughout the entire castle was grim, some people were confused, some were mourning, some were frightened. And the royal family. . . They felt like they were all holding a very deep breath that they wanted to release but somehow could not. It left each one of them unsettled. "Your father has sent Ser Erryk into the city to find him."

Alicent sighed and looked to her feet already feeling defeated, "Ser Erryk knows Aegon he has the advantage."

Aemond turned his head and Ser Criston met his eye. Maela looked to the ground, then to her egg. She could not look at Cole, not after seeing him murder an elderly man with his bare hands. The rage in his voice, the unexpectedness of the murder. It was like what had happened to Uncle Vaemond just yesterday. One moment a person was alive and well, the next - gone. War will come. Was this to be her life now? Loss after loss, brutal death after brutal death until she was driven to madness? She sniffled and Aemond's gaze shot back to her, but she turned to her egg in the embers unable to look at him or anyone right now.

Alicent took a deep breath and crossed the room to her trusted knight. "I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty. Aegon must be found, and he must be brought to me. The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it. "

She dropped her voice to a whisper and neither Aemond nor Maela could hear her next words. Finally, Maela looked upon her beloved, only to find him already watching her, his elbow on the arm of his chair, his fingers playing with each other in the loose fist beside his jaw. His eye held worry, concern for her, while her own eyes held only sadness. She had a terrible feeling, that no matter what happened from here on out, peace was over. Their happiest days were behind them. And she mourned them like she mourned her uncle, and the King.

"I will not fail you." They heard Cole swear.

Aemond broke his gaze with Maela and stood. "I'll come with you."

Alicent was quick to return to his side and dispute his statement, "That would not be my desire, Aemond." she said clasping his arm.

Maela stood from the fire and brought her hands together in front of her, picking at the skin around her nails.

"If anything has happened. . . " the Queen trailed off, the idea of her eldest son possibly lying dead in the streets and Aemond to follow, too much of a terror for her to put into words.

"Cole needs me mother. Ser Erryk is not the only one who knows Aegon's doings."

Maela knew that to be true, she herself was privy to more than the Queen could ever imagine. Perhaps more then even Aemond could imagine, surely he had no idea about those children in the fighting pits. She should tell him, but. . . that would mean he would spend more time combing through the worst part of the city, he would spend more time with Criston Cole, something that already had her on edge. Maela felt her stomach tie into knots and her heart pulsing in her throat. The image of Cole killing Lord Beesbury that morn flashed behind her eyelids. Did Aemond know? Did he truly know, the kind of man he was willingly leaving with? The man he spent so much time with? Did he know how easily he could become enraged? Enough to kill?

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