Chapter 34

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Chap 34

6 months later (Viserra is 33, Rhaenyra and Alicent are 37, Aegon is 22, Helaena is 20, Aemond & Maela are 19, Jace is 16, Baela & Rhaena are 17, Luke is 14, Daeron T is 14, Daenaera is 4, Jaehaerys & Jaehaera are 15 months)

The ringing of swords echoed through the air, the sound grew more and more as the morning hours passed and more knights joined the training yard. Aemond had removed his blindfold once company had arrived, he did not want to give the other knights any of his good ideas, and now found himself sparring against Ser Luthor Largent of the City Watch. He remembered when he was young watching Aemar Velaryon fight the same man, or many men at a time. And he could call himself a proud man if he bested all the men the greenseer had faced. However, the years of experience played well to Ser Luthor's advantage regardless of his age. He may not have seen war but he had fought many days of his life against the other knights and had seen many tactics. Including Aemond's. The one thing he had not counted on working against him was the spectators. But as his skills grew more impressive and the other knights watched some were smart enough to catalog his most used moves, and Ser Luthor was clever enough to know he had to use those against the one eyed Prince. However, Aemond was quick and difficult for Largent to keep up with, his size – nearly seven feet tall – aided him well, but made him slower. Only by a millisecond mind you, but that was enough for Aemond. He kept the knight on his toes, but the spar ended with both men's swords to their opponent's throats.

"Well done, my Prince." Ser Luthor said as he stepped back and his muscles relaxed under his armor, "I have not had such a worthy spar in quite some time."

"Perhaps next time one of us will best the other."

Largent smiled at the challenge, "Yes, one of us shall."

"My Prince." He was called and turned to see Cole approaching, having just finished his own bout with Willis Fell of the Kingsguard. In his hand he spun his morningstar, an odd weapon of choice, but one he wielded well. And Aemond was determined to best him at his own game. He had done well knocking Cole into the dirt sword on sword but that wasn't good enough. He had to master every weapon, especially with a pair of lilac and blue eyes on him from the balcony.

"Cole." He nodded to the knight, "You look tired. Ser Willis get the best of you?"

"Hardly. Want to try your luck?"

He smirked, "Always."

From above Maela watched as the two men began to circle one another, still panting from their last spar and waiting for the other to leave an opening. As Aemond struck first Maela could not help but grin as she spectated. Occasionally pulling at the sleeve of her pearl dress, the one she had worn when she and Aemond had reunited at fifteen, the nervous tick she had noticed appeared whenever Aemond came close to taking a hit in the yard.

"You play the role of an enamored maiden well." A voice said softly from the shadows behind her.

"It is no role." She replied not even turning to see who it was. She knew who hid behind the curtain to the balcony.

Larys said nothing more as he watched Aemond as sharply as Maela did. He still was unaccustomed to Ser Criston's use of his morningstar which already was proving to give the Queen's sworn protector an advantage. Aemond was playing more defensively than she knew he liked, being forced back by the swinging spiked ball. You could see him looking for an opening, but Ser Criston left none, or very few and played to Aemond's hesitancy. He did well defending himself from each blow, but that would not win Aemond the bout. Gasps and aw's from a gathering crowd of onlookers reached her ears on the balcony as she followed Aemond's every move. Ser Criston was able to use the chain to wrap around Aemond's sword and wrist. Pulling his limb behind his back in an unnatural angle forced Aemond down to one knee and in a blink Ser Criston pulled a dagger from seemingly nowhere and had it to Aemond's throat. He did not leave the Prince in the embarrassing position for long, just a second, then he pulled back and offered him a hand up. He patted his student's back as they headed for some water. Maela caught how Aemond's eye flashed to her and she smiled down at him and gave a coy wave which seemed to lift his spirits.

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