Chapter 2

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Episode 2: (Laenor & Laena are 13, Viserra is 11, Aemar is 6, Rhaenyra is 15

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Episode 2: (Laenor & Laena are 13, Viserra is 11, Aemar is 6, Rhaenyra is 15. It's been 6 months since episode 1)

Corlys stormed into the counsel chamber angered by the raven he himself had just read. The eyes of Otto Hightower, Lord Lyonel Strong, Lord Beesbury, and Maester Mellos all turned to him along with the King's.

"Four ships have now been lost. The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business."

"If you've something to discuss Lord Corlys - " Otto Hightower attempted to interrupt.

But the Seasnake was having none of it, "I want to know what is to be done about my ships and my men."

"The Crown will compensate you for your ship and crew, and make an offering to the men's families."

"I don't want compensation. I want to seize the Stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder."

"I am not prepared to start a war with the Free Cities." Viserys said calmly, finally speaking for himself instead of letting his Hand do it for him.

"These pirates are not the Free Cities."

"Who do you think provides them with their ships and tender?" the King rebuked.

"In all of its history my lord, the Seven Kingdoms have never entered open war with the Free Cities." Lord Beesbury recited the history books, "Were that to happen, the losses would be incalculable."

Corlys rounded the table, each step slow and deliberate as it clacked along the stone floor. He stood close to Beesbury and stared down at him making him feel small.

"What reason does the Crabfeeder have to fear us?" he asked. Beesbury had no answer but to turn away. "The King's own brother has been allowed to seize Dragonstone and fortify it with an army of his Gold Cloaks. Daemon has squatted there for over half a year, without even a protest from the Crown."

"I'll caution you, Lord Corlys, a seat at the King's table does not make you his equal." Otto spoke up. Corlys looked to him ready to throw back insults. However, the King spoke up before such argument could break.

"I have acted Corlys. I've sent envoys to Pentos and Volantis to see if we might find common cause. Ships and men are at the ready. The Stepstones will be settled. . . in time."

"You have dragonriders Father." Princess Rhaenyra spoke up, turning from her table of cups and wine flasks. Everyone turned to her. "Send us."

The King sighed, "It isn't that simple Rhaenyra."

"It would be a show of force."

"At least the Princess has a plan." Corlys commented leaning his elbow on the back of his seat where he stood. He seemed approving, Rhaenyra was at least more willing to act to secure the realm then her father and his desire to avoid conflict.

Violent Delights (HotD- AemondxOC fanfic, Ewan Mitchell fanfic) smut warningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora