Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

The Red Keep did not have sparring tunics in the colors of House Velaryon. How his brother put up with the sheer disregard for his house in this place was beyond him. Although, it only drove Aemar's ambition to join the Kingsguard, so his brother would not have to suffer alone. Instead, the young lord had donned a black and red Targaryen tunic, padded but still light, before he approached one of the many weapons tables laid around the training yard. He felt as if he was in someone else's skin when he caught his reflection in one of the swords, with his hair color he should look like a proper Targaryen, donned in red and black. But Aemar had salt water coursing in his veins like the strongest current.

Choosing a weapon he walked along the perimeter of the yard, watching other duels that were already underway.

"You there!" a voice called and he turned to a man he knew was one of the city's gold cloaks. "In need of a partner lad?"

The knight looked older then Laenor by at least a few years but his age mattered not to Aemar. Nya Salt had taught him how to fight anyone, as she had to fight men much older then her just to survive her childhood. And Aemar had faith in her training.

"Only if you are looking to lose." He replied with a jovial grin.

The knight laughed in a well natured way and drew his weapon from his leather belt. "You have confidence beyond your years Lord Velaryon. Allow me the honor to give you a lesson in humility."

"If you can manage that I will give you the finest vessel in the Velaryon fleet."

The knight took his stance, "How could one turn down an offer like that?"

"How indeed." Aemar replied as he also took his stance.

The knight's name was Ser Luthor Largent, and he dueled quite well. But his technique was common, the footwork and swings the same of any other knight. He brought his sword downward which Aemar deflected with his own, he slashed and came down again only to face the same defense. When their swords broke apart both of them swung for the others middle, both missing the mark as they jumped back simultaneously. They rounded each other from their out of range positions. Since it was a spar and not a duel they continued this way. Rejoining to make a few swings, switching off who went on the offense and who took up defense.

Once they fell into a pattern Ser Luthor found his chance to strike. In quick succession he swung over and over and over again, forcing Aemar back. However, the young lord was quick and ducked left to right, left to right before his back hit a wooden beam and he spun entirely to move himself behind Largent. The knight's sword stuck in the post but he swiftly pulled it free and turned to face his opponent. He gave a small chuckle and wagged his sword at the boy who bowed at him in mockery. Again the knight swung but it was languid and they soon fell back into their pattern. Aemar kept his eyes peeled for tells just before Ser Luthor would unleash a fury of attacks. It must have worked with the other knights, but as Aemar had speculated, their armor made them too heavy to duck as fast as he could. Largent seemed to enjoy the challenge, if the smile on his face and gleam in his eye was anything to go by.

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