Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Episode 6: part 1

1 year later

Maela watched from a high tower in Pentos, with her chin resting in her hand as her parents flew overhead

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Maela watched from a high tower in Pentos, with her chin resting in her hand as her parents flew overhead. A crowd below was applauding at the display in the air, mesmerized by something Maela had grown quite used to. Her mother shouted "Drakarys!" and a moment later the sky was full of fire from Vhagar's breath. Behind her the Blood Wyrm was able to withstand the heat as it flew through the inferno with Daemon on his back. Maela wondered from below if her father was a dragon, though it seemed something he would surely brag about if he were.

This is where Maela preferred to be, watching the dragons. The way they moved was so majestic, she understood why people jumped at the opportunity to see just one, let alone two of the biggest and strongest. In time she was sure here she would be, watching three of them in the sky. Her younger sister Baela had Moondancer who was too young to carry her yet, but doubtless the day would come. But for now the dragon's small stature kept Baela grounded, which helped Rhaena from feeling left out. She desperately wanted her egg to hatch, now that she had one, a gift from Rhaenyra years ago. Like with Laena and Laenor only one dragon egg had been gifted to the expected babe. When twins were born only one got to keep the dragon. So when their parents went flying and Baela went to tend to Moondancer Maela and Rhaena were left alone to spectate.

Like Aemond, Rhaena had not yet given up hope regardless of how many years had passed. Unlike Aemond, Rhaena enjoyed talking about her darling egg. In the letters she had shared with the Prince she had noticed when she asked about his egg he avoided the subject in his response. She never got discouraged though, often sending a shell she had found on the beach with her letters, telling him he could add it to his shelf so his egg would not get lonely.

Beside her Rhaena sighed pulling Maela from her thoughts, her younger sister would spend hours with her, their parents soaring in the clouds above, while discussing ideas on what might help the dragon hatch. One time they had even held cooked meat to the shell hoping the aroma would entice the babe within. Rhaena would try new names out with Maela and ask for her big sister's opinion.

The ten year old turned to her right where Rhaena was standing beside her, her head turned to the sky, but her eyes were sad.

"I wish I could be up there with them." She murmured.

Maela wrapped her arm over Rhaena's shoulders and jested, "Is my company not enough for you sister?"

As always the statement made Rhaena smile before she turned to assure her big sister otherwise. "There is no better company then my sisters."

In a prominent family with power, wealth and dragons it would be easy to feel unneeded but being there for her sister made Maela feel important, even at the tender age of ten. Outside of Kings Landing when it was just the three of them Maela felt like she might have found her place to belong. The idea was only shattered when discussions turned to riding Vhagar with their mother, or their father talking of who would be a worthy husband for any of his girls. Maela's role was a fragile one, one that felt like it could be subject to change at any moment. That her happiness was fleeting. At ten she was beginning to wonder if such was life. Being happy, only to feel it slip away and wonder if it would come back.

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