Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Chapter 24:

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A Royal Wedding

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A Royal Wedding. An extravagant, lush, resplendent affair that brought to mind images of feasts ten times the size of the ordinary ones, colorful gowns, sigils from every corner of Westeros and music filling the air from dawn to dusk.

It would be the first wedding since Princess Rhaenyra's – which ended in disaster any way you sliced it. But it was still looked at as the event of the year. Months of planning had been poured into a week long celebration to commemorate the union of Prince Aegon and his sister wife to be Helaena. The last time Maela had spoken to her friend about her betrothal was at her mother's funeral. And the Princess had seemed. . . well, it was not that she seemed displeased by it as much as Helaena seemed indifferent. And in all the letters they shared over the past five years Maela never brought it up, nor did Helaena. Nevertheless, Maela was excited beyond all reason. Not only for the wedding, but to see the capitol again. To see Helaena and the Queen, Aemond and Daeron. Five years away was far too long, but her grandmother had needed her family close to maintain her own sanity. Only something as important as showing your face for a royal marriage had been enough to let her part from her granddaughters. Her last pieces of Laena.

Maela watched eagerly from the bow of their ship the Mouse as the castle came into view. Behind her, Uncle Vaemond stood with the captain Marilda of Hull. Her aunt's former maid had inherited her father's shipyards last year upon his death. She had sold them all immediately and used the coin to buy her own vessel on which they now traveled. Normally, she used it as a trading cog but this was a special occasion.

In addition to herself and Vaemond attending the royal wedding her sister Baela was also making the journey, as was Uncle Aemar. The former was currently soaring through the clouds above them on Moondancer while the latter was in his cabin locked inside. As the dragon flew overhead two young blonde boys, one eight and the other ten, ran about the ship helping their mother's crew, swabbing the deck, carrying ropes, and the like. Though they stopped often when Moondancer was in view.

Maela kept her arms folded on the rail as she looked out at the outline of the Red Keep, bouncing on the balls of her feet. With each passing moment it drew closer and closer, growing larger in her eyes. Moondancer swooped low in front of the ship, her tail dragging through the seawater. Baela pushed her dragon forward and higher and in no time the silhouette of the beast was gliding over the terra cotta roofs of the city.

Violent Delights (HotD- AemondxOC fanfic, Ewan Mitchell fanfic) smut warningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora