Chapter 42

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Chap 42

Episode 9 part 3

All was silent until the Queen arrived. And Rhaenys had a whole morn of rage to unleash upon her, "I will do you the considerable courtesy of assuming there is a good reason for the outrage of my treatment here this morning."

But Alicent's voice was raw when she replied, already sounding defeated, or exhausted. "My sincerest regrets for the lack of ceremony."

There was a pause. Rhaenys was no fool and it took her only a moment to understand what had put such sorrow in Queen Alicent's eyes.

"The King." She exhaled, her own shock at the loss of her cousin overcoming her for a moment, but it was overshadowed by the horrific realization, "And you are usurping the throne."

"It was my husband's dying wish." Rhaenys scoffed with a disbelieving smile, "Believe it or no it is of no consequence. Aegon will be King. . .I came here to ask your support."

"Well I must credit you for your boldness."

But Alicent was prepared, "House Velaryon has long allied itself with the Princess Rhaenyra, and what has it gained you? Your daughter dead, alone in Pentos. Your son cuckholded. Rhaenyra's heirs are none of yours. It is your husband, who grasps so heedlessly for the throne, and even he has abandoned you. Gone these five long years to fight a desperate battle, returning grievously, if not mortally, wounded. Leaving the Lady of Driftmark to chart her course alone."

Rhaenys looked like she had been slapped. Partially from Alicent's courage to speak such words, but also at how familiar they were. Because it was Viserra's viewpoint. Since Laenor's death her stingray detested Rhaenyra, knowing in her heart she had some hand in her brother's demise. She also saw the correlation between House Velaryon's losses and the Princess, or her husband. But it all boiled down to one thing, one resounding truth they could not nor would not change, "The word of my house is not fickle."

Alicent marched over as Rhaenys turned her back on the Queen and looked to the window.

"No but, dear cousin." Alicent took her hands, "You, more then any soul alive understand what I say now, Rhaenys I loved my husband but I will speak the truth we both know: you should have been Queen."

For a moment she looked touched, like those words held the key to her heart, a dream she had been forced to let go of so long ago. "I little thought to hear those words from you."

"The Iron Throne was yours by blood and by temperament. Viserys would have lived his days a country lord, content to hunt and study his histories, but here we are." She paused, "We do not rule, but we might guide the men that do. Gently. Away from violence and sure destruction and instead toward peace."

Rhaenys gagged and shook Alicent's hands off her disgusted as she walked away needing distance from the woman.

"Is it in the name of peace you've imprisoned me? And what of my dragon?" she turned to her, her concern for Meleys outweighing her disgust momentarily.

"If we are overmatched Rhaenyra would be temped to strike us, a war would ensue. Without your dragon she may be persuaded to negotiate." Rhaenys turned away once more, "If it's Driftmark you want you shall have it. For you and your granddaughters, to pass on as you see fit."

Rhaenys looked at her from over her shoulder, "And what of my granddaughter in your charge?" she asked, "I would have thought you'd send Maela to play to my sympathies."

"Like how Rhaenyra did when she brought Rhaena and Maela to you in the Godswood?"

It was silent, clearly the Red Keep still had eyes and ears everywhere, and at least one of them worked for the Queen.

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