So many people and just two baby

Start from the beginning

"Yes it is." Edward hesitated. He wanted to feed us. Renesmee even pushed her need into his mind. But he didn't want to leave his wife. He promised he would be next to her the whole time. This was the reason why our crib stayed here next to a soon to be newborn vampire. Not a wise choice if you ask me. He wanted us in arm reach. He just can't be in two places at the same time.

I looked at him understanding. Oh you poor overcomplicated soul.

"Can i help?" Rosalie appeared in the door. Her eyes were gleaming as she looked at us. Just give the sign and she will steal us away and never return.
A woman was two steps behind her. I suppose she was Esme. As far as i could tell i recognised everyone without a fault. I am so proud of myself. I smirked smugly.

"I would be grateful. Thank you Rose" Edward said. He smiled softly at Rosalie's enthusiasm.

Although my sis was disappointed that dad didn't came with us she got comforted quickly. There was so much thing to see.
We entered a larger room when we got downstairs. I guessed it is the living room. Here was everyone. They seated themselves on the couches and armchairs.

I looked over the faces. There was a small woman with short hair. She must be Alice. Next to her sat on the coach a tall blonde man. He is Jasper. He looked at us distanced but curious. He won't let himself relax until he is sure he is in control. The other side of the room sat three other people. They weren't vampires. They had beating hearts and tan skin. They must be the pack. The girl is Leah and the smaller boy is Seth. The love stuck pedo must be Jacob. He was staring at Renesmee the whole time.

"So what should a hybrid eat?" Came the one million dollar question from a muscular man from the kitchen. He is Emmett I noted.

"We can try both of the fooding and see what they prefer." Carlisle spoke. He handed me to Esme so he could gather the food. I was impatient at this point. I am starving. Ness wasn't much calmer eather. Jacob choose this moment to approach us.

"Hello tinyes. " He got closer. He smiled brightly. Mostly at Renesmee but he glinted a short smile to me as well. At least he acknowledged my presence. Then a gross scent hit me. I knew the shifters have a different smell, but boy it is bad. I had to twitch my nose.

"Step away dog. " Rosalie sneered at him and backed away with Ren. "Your stink bothers the children."

Jacob seemed offended, but when he saw that both of us were twitching our noses he had to gave up. Poor guy, i almost pity him. Almost.

And then Carlisle returned to the room. Finally! I bounced in Esme's arms in anticipation. Everyone chuckled as if they saw the most cute thing on the world.

"I thought we could try the baby formula first." He stepped closer to Renesmee with a white bottle in his hands. She looked at him curious. She leaned closer and took a sniff. Immediately she jerked back. Her face told everything. That thing came from hell. A booming laugh echoed in the room.

"It looks like the human stuff is stinky." Alice squealed between laughter. Ness sent her a dirty look. She was suffering and they are just making fun of her?

Carlisle turned to me. I shaked my head furiously. There is no way that I let myself be poisoned. He decided he won't push the formula. For now. He took the other bottle and gave it to Ren. It was more of her liking. She started to drink greedily. I bounced more. I want some too!!! I groaned in frustration.

"Now now. Here it's yours." Esme finally gave me my breakfast. I grabbed the bottle and pulled it to myself. Everyone laughed again.

"Guys you are starving that poor kid." Seth joked.

I didn't care. Who knew that blood tasted this good. I just started to drink and it is already halfway empty. I want more.

But more didn't come. After the feeding time everyone took they turn to play with us. Alice and Rosalie started to take pictures for the photo album they were planning to do. Emmett as goofy as he was moderated himself and stayed decently careful around us. Jacob at the end got to hold Renesmee and not so surprisingly she liked his company. Not everyone was glad about it.

What surprised me was that Leah came closer after a while. She wouldn't ask for any of them, but she wanted to hold one of us. I reached for her from Jasper's lap. He was in turn to entertain me. Both of them seemed shocked by my advance, but they gave in. Leah was warm and kind. She was just standing with me while rocking back and fort. She went through so much change and pain in the last few months. Her body wasn't as she wanted her life wasn't as she planed it. It was all a mess. This smaller pack gave her a chance to breath. She should really relax more. Strangely now she felt at peace in a room full of vampires. Of course if anyone asks she will deny it.

After a few hours our first check up came. It became obvious to the whole family that we are growing fast. The invisible gears started to turn in everyone's brain. Just what does this mean?

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now