Once you showed the world that side of you, they would easily use it against you. You gave them an advantage to control you or try to control everything about you. They wrote a different narrative of you wanting to make you look like the bad guy. When in reality they didn't know anything about your life or you at all. Leah had learned the hard way to stop caring about others' opinions. She knew she could never make people like her. So she spent years working on herself and her career. She gave all her hard work on bettering herself as a person and a dancer. The one thought in her mind that kept her going is to never be like her mother. She winked at Bada who offered her a small smile checking up on her. Her eyes shifted to her team who pulled her into a tight embrace.

"There's only one more obstacle in your way before you head to the finals. Only five crews who prove their crew's value and worth to the very end will be candidates to win and perform on the final stage." Mina scooted closer to the older girl, leaning her back against her chest. Leah didn't complain or said anything. She wrapped her arms around her pulling her closer as they listened to Daniel talk about the next mission. Miyeon slid closer to the brunette girl, placing her chin on her shoulder as she intertwined her hand with hers. "The next mission is the Battle Performance Mission. The Battle Performance Mission will put crews against one another in a group mission." Halo's eyes glanced across at Eternal seeing how their leader smirked. She whispered among her group telling her how confident the girl looked. This is one of eternals specialties, competitions. They had done so many over the past five years traveling around the world.

Yujin leaned down whispering to her group. "We definitely have this in the bag." She placed her hands on Leah's shoulders, shaking her. The brunette girl groaned in annoyance as she kept violently shaking her. She ended up glancing at the short haired girl. She raised her hand up causing her to flinch. She immediately pulled her hands away from her and scooted away from her. Ivy laughed, shaking her head at both girls. Even if they were the oldest they sure knew how to act like children. As Daniel continued to explain the mission, leading to the videos they filmed. He got into who got first place being Jam Republic. Something that shocked many dancers. The group had to choose who they would be going up against. They were a huge threat to everyone causing them all to sit on the edge of their seats afraid to face them. Eternal on the other hand didn't seem to care. If anything they were ready to face anyone who wanted to take them on. "The next crew, who got second place for their crew song performance is.. BEBE." Leah nodded her head with a smile on her face. She clapped her hands in encouragement knowing the girls deserve it. Her eyes landed on Bada as the crew got up heading onto the stage to join Daniel.

"Which crew will BEBE send to elimination?" Taking a sharp inhale her green blue eyes stared at the girls across from her. She gave them a small smile, feeling really anxious. Knowing Bada she knew there's a huge chance she would pick them. Both girls have always been super competitive, especially when it came to dancing. They always competed against each other to boost their own self esteem. It wouldn't surprise her if they chose her group. "The crew BEBE chose is.. Is Wolf Lo." Leah's mouth fell wide open in shock. Her eyes glanced at the group in the corner who seemed unfazed. Miyeon stood up from her seat in shock. As the crew took their time standing up and heading to the stage the tall girl brought the microphone towards her lips once again. She smirked as her eyes wandered around through every group. "And we also chose, Eternal."

"WHAT?!" Mina stood up from her seat throwing her hands up in the air. Her voice was louder than everyone else in the room. Kirsten's eyes widened as her head snapped to Eternal. Her brown eyes landed on her friend who nodded her head. A smile on her face as she fixed her pink top. All the groups around them were completely thrown off. Leah ran her fingers through her hair pushing it to the side. She turned around placing her hand out for Ivy to take. The raven haired girl took it walking down the steps making sure not to trip. She slapped the leader on the ass telling her to take the lead for them to follow. The half Korean Mexican girl smirked as she headed towards the ring. Her heels clicked against the floor as she approached the small steps up. Standing across Wolf Lo her smile fell as her eyes turned hard. She kept a serious face as she stood there feeling people's eyes on her. Her left arm wrapped around Ivy's waist as they stood next to BEBE hearing Daniel talk. "Halo, from Wolf Lo."

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