Chapter 34: Operation Sword tip

Start from the beginning

"Huh, they seem to be busy here" Crew of 87th Armored Cavalry look at the scene in awe.

"..I start to feel pretty dread now" Celiné said to herself.

Just then a squadron of F-4 Phantom flews over the bastion, dropping a bomb. A parachute is activated and the bomb slowly fall to the chaotic line of the base. The anti-air gun focus their fire on the F-4 but they all missed unsurprisingly.

"Crap- the bomb-!" She exclaimed.

The bomb impacted and let out a series of explosion throughout the central area of the bastion, smoke pour into the air as the men down below desperately putting out a fire, her company was not effected since she was in the Eastern wall but the impact could be feel from here. And that's not all, US forces has also advancing further and further they will definitely reach this bastion within a week if not couple of days. The Ganzir attack will go on as the battle that seen the most usage of ordnances, with over 8,000 tons of bomb and missiles drop on it for the entire offensive.

Location: New Otaheit, Replublic of Mu, 2nd Civilized area
5th September, 1632, 4:00 AM

It the morning of this Tuesday, street light shining and the tall cargo ship flying distinct red flags can be seen in the port of Otaheit. You may be wondered why and what reason make Mu established a new capital named after the old Otaheit. It simple, the old capital of Mu is flooded during the 'Holy age' the remained of building and structure still can be found just only the east of New Otaheit.

Soviet union also request Mu to allow the making of the red army base in city of Hongcyn. This further allow the defense of their airs and land based attack if Gra Valkas were to launched a full scale invasion, joint research and development is also carried out the moment they signed the treaty. Mikoyan company that on a verge of bankruptcy, being unable to compete with Sukhoi, the company fonds itself to Mu, they cooperate with Mu aerodynamic advancement to ensure the living of their company. Sukhoi however still standing strong and start a new project, in which a response to American ATF program.

Advance Air-Dominance fighter program (господство в воздухе) under the codename of КX-89. The first of the experimental КX series will take it first flight in 1633 (1988) but the testing version, the КX-45 took off in the night of 6th September, 1632 (1987) following it success on foward swept wings configuration they begin improve on it for a real flight. For Mikoyan they also got their respond for the ATF and КX program, they improve and advanced the already existed project to the next level. Future fighter (будущее воздушного боя) or the Mig ИИF91

An improve version of Mig 1.44/1.42 project, the next generation jet aircraft is coming in close and near, only time can tells who of which will launch it first.

Soviet troops also has set foots on Second Civilized area along side foreign troops from the warsaw pact, for the past few days communism start to spread among the populace of Mu. A sign to the future sphere of influence, two superpower start setting off it's string in this new world.

Gorbachev has arranged a meeting with Ronald Reagan for a matter regarding the weapon of mass destruction, and also to establish a joint-defense treaty mostly due to the threat American ambassador spit out back in Berlin. Not to mention the fact that Soviet Navy make contact with American submarine around the northern hemisphere, that of course would raise their cautiousness.

And a thing about small conflict that has been going off in USSR waters ever since they were transported here is the unwelcoming native, trying to attack Soviet navy with a wooden galleon and other type of antique ships most of which are turn away without the use of forces. That's not something of their concerns, the real thing is tension in Europe.

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