Happy Birthday, Kelly!

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Mary and her daughter walked into the ALDC holding hands. Hadley pushed the heavy door open and saw Abby sitting at the front desk. "Hello! How are you guys?"

"Good, how about you Ab?" Mary smiles, adjusting her purse.

Abby nodded and leaned on the counter, standing up. "Good, now I needed to talk to you and Hadley about something"

Hadley perked her head up and went on her tippy toes, trying to see over the counter.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Mary nods.

Abby sighs. "So this agency called me after last week's competition, and they asked for Hadley to appear in this tv show, 'Drop Dead Diva'. And I almost said yes to her, but I obviously can't do that" Abby explained.

Hadley smiled widely and bit her lip. She looked up at her mom. "Can I please do it mom, that sounds fun"

Mary scoffed with a smile. "Abby, that sounds like a really great opportunity but in Hadley's current contract with Broadway, she isn't allowed in any new projects until the performance is over. So, we gotta say no, babe" Mary sighed to Hadley.

Hadley's face fell and she slightly pouted.

Abby nodded and shrugged. "All right, I'm glad I asked in private. The agency said the back up plan would be for the other girls to audition, and I'm sure they're gonna audition a ton of other studios as well"

Hadley pursed her lips. "Sorry, Miss Abby"

"That's all right baby-doll. Go head into the den for pyramid, I'll be waiting in Studio A for you guys" Abby smiled, walking away.

Mary patted her daughter's head as they walked into the den. "It's all right babe, you'll have a ton of other chances like this"

Hadley nodded and looked up at Mary. "I hope so"

When the two first walked into the den, the fun dance day already started. Hadley and Maddie jumped around in the den, with all the other girls in the den, to the song 'Glad you came' by the wanted.

Hadley jumped on one of the benches and used one of Chloe's pointe shoes as a microphone.

All the girls laughed, until Melissa stopped playing the music on her phone. "Girls, you should get ready for pyramid" She said.

Maddie rolled her eyes and plopped down next to Hadley, who was putting her jazz shoes on. "You ruined the fun, mom," She muttered.

Hadley giggled to herself, making Maddie laugh too.

"Come on girls! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Abby yelled with a big smile on her face.

Maddie and Hadley opened the door and scurried into the studio.

"Here comes Johnny Appleseed" Abby began.

Hadley marched while she chanted. "Chop, chop, chop chop," She joked.

Abby waved a hand, trying to move the girls along quicker. "Yeah, chop, chop, Hadley. Let's go" Abby jokes. "I wouldn't say it was a brilliant weekend, but it was successful. We set out to beat Cathy, the wicked witch of the west, and you beat her hands down in every single category." Abby stated.

"With that said, I want to get to the pyramid quickly," Abby said, cheery.

Hadley assumed she would  be in a good mood this week, by the way she was acting.

"On the bottom of the pyramid. Paige" Abby rips the paper off.

Paige bit the inside of her cheek and put one hand on her hip. She didn't do badly at the competition last week, so why was she dead last?

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