I Know What You Did Last Competition

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It was a snowy day and Hadley had finally had a day off of rehearsal and didn't have to go to New York. So the Bennett sisters decided to spend it playing in the backyard.

"Mia!" Hadley giggled as her little sister threw a snowball at her face. "I'm gonna get you back!"

The sound of the kids playing echoed through their neighborhood, catching their neighbors attention. Including Hadley's best friends the Hylands and Ziegler's, who only lived a few houses down from her.

"Mooooom!" Hadley called to the inside. Mia laid down in the snow and started to make a snow angel while Hadley trampled through the snow trying to get to her screen door in her backyard.

Mary peeks through the door. "What is it babe?" She calls to her daughter.

"Can Paige, Brooke and Maddie come over?"

Mary thinks for a second. Mia stands up quickly and goes to her sisters side. "And Kenzie!" She adds.

Hadley giggles and nods. "And Kenzie" She agrees.

Mary purses her lips and smiles. "I can call her but I think Brooke had something for school today honey, so they might be busy"

"Ok" Hadley nods.

Mary walked through her house that was much warmer that outside and picked up her iPhone and texted a group chat with Melissa and Kelly in it. 

   Hi ladies! Hadley and Mia are playing in the backyard and Haddie was wondering if Brooke, Paige, Maddie, and Mackenzie wanted to come over. And adults included because I could use a drink lol. Lmk! 

I read this text out loud and Maddie was right next to me and immediately said yes! So I'm just gonna get their snow stuff and I'll be right over with some treats for us and the kids!!

Oh, sounds like so much fun! Paige heard those two monkeys outside and asked me if she could go over lol, so thanks for the offer! Brooke has a school project she's doing at a friends house today, so she can't make it :(, but Paige would love to go!

Mary smiles at her cell phone and looks at her two daughters in the backyard playing still.

Great! The door's open so come on over whenever you want :)

Hadley walked inside, her cheeks and nose red from the cold wind. She stomped her boots on the carpet, getting the snow off and took off her mittens. "Are they coming over?" She asks.

Mary smiles and nods. "Yes they are. Brooke can't come but Maddie, Kenz, and Paige are. They're gonna be here soon"

Just as she finished saying that a knock was at the door. "Hellooo!" A happy voice of Melissa exclaimed walking into the house with a tray and a bottle of something.

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