Chapter 61

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I woke up in my car seat, I wiggled my little body around trying to get more comfortable, but then there was a giant bump! I opened my eyes really wide and stared up into Papa's face, he smiled at me, "Good Morning Cali, that was a big bump, wasn't it?" I nodded and brought my thumb up to stick in my mouth, I don't think I was really ready to get up, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. Papa tsked at me, and grabbed my hand, I whimpered and tried to pull my hand to my mouth anyways, "Here, let's not stick our thumb in our mouth, have your paci instead baby." Once my paci was in my mouth I settled down a little, but now I was curious as to where we were going. I tried to look around, but the car seat was blocking my eyesight of where we were. I pointed out the window and looked over at Papa, he would tell me where we were right?

Papa smiled at me, "We are almost their sweetie, you slept for a good majority of the time, just a little bit longer for your surprise." I crossed my arms, I wanted to know where we were now, not where we were headed! Papa laughed, "Guys, she crossed her arms at me, I don't think she liked my answer." I heard what sounded like Mama aww at me, but I was distracted from voicing my displeasure by a bottle showing up in my eyesight, I spit out paci and reached for the bottle instead, I was kind of hungry. I stuck the bottle in my mouth and looked back out the window, all I could see was the top of the trees, then all of a sudden I saw the back of a banner that was hanging over the road, I couldn't really tell what it was but I pointed at it and then looked back at Papa, "Almost baby, that was the welcome sign, but I don't want to ruin the surprise yet." This had better be the bestest place ever if they still won't tell me where we are.

Finally after an eternity, the car stopped and it was only when everyone started getting out that I realized we were in the long car, the driver had opened the door and Papa slid out first, then Daddy, Mama and finally Mommy reached into my car seat and unbuckled me, she picked me up and climbed out of the car, Papa and Daddy were standing behind the car getting something out of the trunk and Mama was talking to the driver. Mommy settled me on her hip, I started looking around while I was drinking the rest of my bottle, I saw a Mickey tree! "Mickey!" I pointed to Mickey, and looked up at Mommy in awe, it was awesome getting to see Mickey not on the T.V. Mommy smiled at me, "Good Job, that's Mickey!"

Papa and Daddy both said at the same time, "Aww, we missed her reaction!" I giggled, drippling milk down my face but it's okay, it didn't really bother me. Mommy sighed, "Can one of you hand me a cloth? You made her giggle while she was still drinking. And no worries she still doesn't know where we are, just that she saw a Mickey." Mommy was handed a cloth, and she wiped my face off, I huffed, I didn't need my face cleaned! "Alright Mommies all done, come on, everyone ready?" I nodded and pointed to where everyone else was headed, there were a lot of people here! Mommy laughed, "Cali's ready to leave you slowpokes behind!" "Alright, Alright, we are coming, don't leave us behind!" I heard Daddy say, I giggled, and started saying "Go, Go, Go Mommy!" My milk was not getting drunk anymore it was just spilling all down my front instead, "Oh my, Cali, are you done drinking? Let's put away the bottle for now, you are way too worked up to be drinking that right now." I nodded and handed it to Mommy, there was too much fun stuff to be looking at to be drinking right now!

I hope everyone who celebrates had a great thanksgiving! :) 

Thank you so much to everyone who is reading this story, makes me so happy to come on here and see how many people have liked, commented or just read the last chapter. 

I promise the next chapter will be longer, but since I didn't update last week, I knew I had to get something out for you all today.  

They have finally made it to family day! 

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