Chapter 55

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I was startled awake when I felt myself being lifted up, I blinked my eyes open and realized Mommy was carrying me. "MOMMY!" Mommy smiled at me and settled me on her hip, she gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Hi Sweetie, did you have a good time at the space museum?" "Uh-uh, I got to see the stars an and a big spaceship! And I got to see a real-life astronaut and I got to s-s-see the alligators mommy!" "You got to see Alligators? Weren't you scared though?" I shook my head at mommy, "No mommy, they babies!" Mommy gave me a big smile, "they were babies? Just like you uh?" I nodded my head so fast at Mommy, "Yeah they grow super big just like I'm going to right mommy?" Mommy paused in her steps and looked at me, "Well Baby, we hope you're going to grow some more, we just have to make sure you get all your nutrients." I nodded and then let out a big yawn, I was still kind of sleepy, but wanted to tell Mommy all about the space stuff I learned today!

"Let's go get some dinner Babygirl, then we can take a bath while you tell me all about the rest of your day, okay?" I nodded, "Mommy I'm not hungry though." Mommy sighed, "I'm sure you got to eat lots of junk food out today, but I need you to try to eat some food for me, okay?" I nodded; I could try for mommy. Mommy walked into the dining room and set me in my seat, once she did up the buckle, she pushed me into the table and sat in the seat next to me, "Alright can I see your little alligator Cali? I'll put her right next to me, so she doesn't get all dirty." I nodded and gave Allie a super big hug so she wouldn't miss me too much, then handed her to Mommy, "Allie" I mumbled to Mommy, "Is her name Allie?" Mommy asked while she grabbed her and set her on the table next to her. I nodded and looked at her, "Papa got her for me." "Aww, he did? That was very nice of Papa and a good idea to help you remember your day out with him, right?" I nodded my head and then noticed Chef Fred coming out of the swinging door, I looked around and was surprised to see Mama, Papa, and Daddy all sitting at the table as well, when did they get here?

Chef Fred noticed me sitting at my spot, "Oh my little Cali! I hope you had a good day; I made my specialty just for you tonight!" Chef Fred put my plate down in front of me and glanced at me, I looked at my plate then up at him, "Thank you." I muttered, I didn't know what it was, He smiled at me, "I made some lasagna for you honey. I promise you will love it!" I nodded and gave him a big smile.

Chef Fred gave me a smile back, then went and gave food to everyone else, "Bon Appetit." He gave a little wave to me and then walked back through the swinging doors, I turned my attention to my food and picked up my fork, I stuck a little bit of some white stuff on the end and brought it to my mouth, I closed my mouth around the fork, and I gasped it was cheese! I stuck my fork back on my plate and grabbed a bigger piece, this time I tasted something else with the cheese, kind of reminded me of the mac and cheese I had been eating, but this had red stuff instead of cheese, but it still tasted like all cheese, such a weird food, but I decided I loved Lasagna! I wiggled in my chair and kept sticking my fork into more, I did make sure that I was swallowing before I stuck more in my mouth though, I didn't want Papa to take my yummy food away.

Once I was done, I put my fork on my plate and looked over at Mommy, she was talking to Papa though and wasn't looking at me, I looked around the table and saw that Daddy was watching me, I smiled and he looked at my plate, "What a good girl Cali! I'm so proud of you, you almost ate all that!" I looked back at my plate and then looked back at Daddy; he was proud of me! I smiled super-duper big at him. "Can you drink some of your milk for me as well please?" I nodded, I wanted to show Daddy what a big girl I was, I reached for my cup and started drinking it, it actually tasted kind of sweet and I liked it, Maybe Mommy added all the nutrients that she said earlier that I needed to drink lots of to grow as big as an alligator! I only drank a little bit as I had eaten way too much to be able to drink as much as I wanted to, I pouted when I had to set my drink down, "Honey what's the matter?" I looked over to Daddy and he was giving me a sad look, I looked back down at my lap, he was gonna be so mad at me, I whimpered, "Full" I felt tears start rolling down my face, I didn't mean to make him mad, I really liked it here though, I hope he wouldn't send me away just because I couldn't finish my milk. I felt my chair being moved and started crying harder "Oh no sweetie it's okay, we aren't mad at you, you did do good!" I was picked up and set on Mommy's lap, she started rubbing my back and rocking in her chair, Allie was picked up from the table and handed to me. I gave her a big hug and then turned to Mommy once I was just sniffling a little, "Not mad?" she gave me a soft smile, "oh no Babygirl, none of us are mad at you, you did such a great job, you ate almost all your dinner! We can put the milk in the fridge for after your bath, you may be thirsty then, okay?" She reached up and brushed my hair off my face.

Once I was a little bit calmer, Mommy stood up and settled me on her hip, "I'm going to head up and give her a bath, maybe in about half an hour everyone wants to come say good night to her? And someone bring her milk up please?" "Alright, enjoy your bath Cali!" Mommy took off for the stairs and I looked back at everyone, they were smiling at me, I turned back around and laid my head on Mommy's shoulder, It wasn't so bad here after all.  

Surprise! I'm not going to lie, 2 hours ago I literally had nothing for this chapter written yet and I thought I wasn't going to be able to update for you all, but I got it done and posted, keeping in mind of that, please ignore any spelling or grammatical errors! 

Also a little break from the days out, but no worries, I promise next chapter will be Mommy's day out!

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