Chapter 23

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I stretched out and made a small grunting noise, I was so comfy I didn't want to wake up, so I snuggled further into the blankets that I was apparently wrapped in. I was so nice and warm, such a big difference from just a few weeks ago. I can't believe that I had thought living on the streets was better than a nice warm bed to sleep in, but then again, I had never had a bed before anyways. I still was on the fence about trusting Abbie and Josh, and Gabby and Jordan, I knew it would be a while before I even wanted to be left alone with.

Deciding that I wasn't going to sleep anymore I sat up and looked around my new room, wow that was so amazing to say.... my new room, I had an actual room all to myself, with carpet, and painted walls and a window, I was so happy there was a window, I would be able to tell if it was still the middle of the night when I woke up or not. Suddenly I realized I needed to pee, hoping that one of the doors in my new room was a bathroom I quickly climbed out of the huge bed I was in, grabbing teddy I walked over to the first door closest to the bed, yep I found the bathroom, I rushed in and set teddy on the counter, then rushed over to the potty. I pulled down the soft pants I was wearing, I didn't recognize them but then again, I didn't recognize any of my clothes anymore. I pulled at the tabs of the diaper and let it fall on the floor, I spotted a small stool in front of the sink and dragged that over to the toilet so that I could climb up, I was dancing around now cause I really had to go, I pretty much jumped up onto to the stool and quickly sat down.

When I was done doing my business, I made sure I remembered to wipe and then flush the toilet, I quickly realized I had to drag the stool back to the sink so I could wash my hands. When I was done, I turned around on the stool and frowned. I didn't have any idea where I could find underwear, I didn't want to put a diaper on, I didn't need it. I figured I would at least put the pants back on, so I walked over and pulled those back on, then picked up the diaper and put that in the trash can I saw next to the sink. I grabbed teddy and made my way back to my room, deciding I should really change, I was pretty sure I was not wearing proper clothes, I looked around the room and noticed the bag that had been carried around all day yesterday. I dug through the bag and pulled out what I think Abbie had called a dress, then rummaged around before I decided there wasn't any panties in there and I pulled out a pull-up instead, if I didn't have underwear guess a pull-up would work, at least for now until I could ask for panties.

Once I had put the dress on and put the pull-up on, I grabbed teddy then decided I should make my way to the kitchen, I could tell the sun wasn't too high in the sky so it must still be morning, maybe I could make breakfast as a thank you for everything they had done for me, I really hope they didn't get mad if I went to use the stove, they hadn't said not to. I opened my door, thank goodness I remembered which one we had come in and gone out of yesterday, I peeked out and didn't see anyone around, I slowly walked out of my room with teddy tucked firmly in my arm, I turned around and made sure my door was shut, then made my way down the hallway towards the stairs. I paused for a moment when I made it to the stairs, I made sure I gripped the side of the rail just so I wouldn't fall, once I got to the bottom I stood momentarily trying to remember which was the dining room I had been to yesterday was, I figured I find that, the kitchen should be through the door that I had seen Chef Fred come out of yesterday. I realized yesterday we had gone to the right when we came down, so I went to the left this time, the first door I opened was not the dining room so I quickly shut that door again, then moved to the next, finally the third door I tried was the dining room so I quickly entered, making sure I had shut the door behind me, then made my way to the door Chef Fred had come out of.

I went through the swinging door, which was pretty cool, maybe I would have to go through that a few more times in a row later, right now I wanted to make breakfast. Once I had gone through the door I paused, there were a lot of people in the room, how was I going to make breakfast for this many people? Suddenly a women came out of nowhere, "Oh hello, you must be the littlest King, are you hungry? What do you want to eat honey?" I immediately backed up and shook my head no, even being with Abbie and Josh for a week and a half I didn't have a big appetite and I had eaten a lot yesterday. "You're not hungry? What can we get for you then sweetie? Are you thirsty?" I looked around the room and noticed a chalkboard with what looked like a menu on it, thankfully I had been getting better at not looking shocked at new things I wasn't used to seeing now. I pointed to it then looked at the lady, I was afraid she might slap me, but thankfully Chef Fred came around the corner at that moment, "Awww Good morning, Miss King, what can we do for you sweetie?" The lady who had been talking to me turned to him, "She won't talk to me, but she pointed to the menu, do you think she will write down what she wants if we give her the board and some chalk?" Chef Fred looked at me, then looked at the Chalkboard, "Do you want to write what you need?" I nodded my head yes, I wanted to make breakfast but there were a lot of people in here, and I wasn't even sure what kind of food they had in this house, if any at all.

Chef Fred looked at me for a moment, then nodded and walked over to the chalkboard, he grabbed it from the counter then rummaged around in a basket that was up on top of the counter, he seemed to find what he wanted because I saw him smile, then turn towards me. "Here you go Miss King, there's space on the back for you to write, thankfully its double sided." He handed it to me, the first thing I wrote was please don't call me Miss King, then I wrote that I wanted to make breakfast as a thank you but wasn't sure how many people I needed to make food for. Chef Fred looked at the board for a moment when I was done writing, then looked at me with a questioning look, I hung my head, what did I do? I just wanted to make breakfast, I had been doing it all my life already, I just hadn't had to worry about it when I got put in the hospital, every time I had tried to head out of my bed at that place alarms had gone off and I had been forced back into the bed, so I had given up, then we had gone to the hotel food always appeared whenever Josh or Abbie had picked up the phone.

Chef Fred, sighed "Okay, would you like me to just call you Cali then?" I nodded my head yes; I didn't want to be called any of the other names I had been called in the past. "Okay I will call you Cali then, and Cali you don't need to make breakfast, its already done and it's not your responsibility to make meals, okay?" I felt myself deflate, how was I going to say thank you for everything they had done? Chef Fred must have noticed that I was upset, he turned to the lady that had talked to me when I walked in, "Can you go get mister or missus please? Preferably Josh or Abbie though, she only met the other two yesterday." She nodded then rushed around me and out the swinging door, a few minutes passed where I could tell Chef Fred was watching me, but I didn't look at him. I heard rushing footsteps approach and Chef Fred reached out for me, I flinched and immediately dropped and curled into a ball, I brought teddy into my little ball and hugged him tight to my tummy. "I'm so sorry Mrs. King I just wanted to get her away from the door, so she didn't get hit by it opening." I felt myself getting picked up and rocked side to side by who smelled like Abbie, I instantly relaxed and opened my eyes that I had squeezed closed so that I didn't see the blows coming, Abbie smiled at me, your okay baby girl, nobodies mad at you." 

Another Chapter done everyone! 

Drink lots of water everyone! :) 

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