Chapter 58

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The nice lady came back and set some drinks down on the table for Mommy and I, Mine even had a little teacup to drink out of! Mommy taught me how to drink with my pinky sticking out, she said it was the proper way to drink tea, I giggled, mommy was silly, But I still stuck my pinky out when I picked up my cup. Pretty soon little sandwiches were set down on the table and my eyes lit up, they were so tiny, perfect Cali size! "Here Baby, try this one, I think you will like it." I nodded and let mommy put it in my mouth, I started bouncing in my seat, it was so good! "Mommy, more please?" I even added some puppy eyes to make her feel bad and give me more. "Baby, there's plenty for us, you can eat as many as you want." I gasped, "All for us Mommy?" "That it is Babygirl."

Once we had eaten a lot of the little baby sandwiches the nice lady came and set down some more food, "Mommy, more?" Mommy chuckled, "Yes sweetie, but these are desserts." I giggled, and grabbed one of the pretty desserts I saw, I bit it and gasped, I quickly swallowed, "Mommy, it mini cake!" "Yes, it is, and it's really good isnt it?" I nodded and reached for another, Mommy didn't stop me and let me eat as many as I wanted, I only ate four though, cause I was super full. I leaned back in my seat and patted my tummy, "Mommy, Full." "You full baby? You going to have a food baby?" I gasped, "There a baby in my tummy?" I started poking my belly, Mommy laughed, "No baby, there's not a baby in your tummy, it just means you ate a lot, and your belly feels full." I looked down at my belly, "Oh, no baby?" Mommy tickled my tummy, and I giggled, "No baby in there, the only one I found is sitting next to me." I laughed way too much! I had this sudden urge to potty, I stopped and stared at mommy, "Potty!" Mommy gasped and grabbed me and ran for the back of the restaurant, "Hold it, sweetie, you can make it!"

Woo, I barely made it to the potty, thank goodness Mommy was a fast runner and no one else was in the potty! Mommy helped me wash my hands and then let me walk back to the table like a big girl! I was so excited, and I was dancing around, once I saw the table I gasped and went running back to my seat, "Cotton Candy!" I scrambled onto the seat and grabbed Cotton Candy, I had to give her a big hug for leaving her by herself, "I sorry, I sorry, had too potty real bad." Mommy sat down next to me again, "I'm sure Cotton Candy forgives you baby, and she may have even gotten to eat a snack or two while we were gone, what do you think?" I nodded "Y-Yeah Mommy, Cotton C-Candy was hungry so she eated some samwhishes too!"

Colleen came back by the table "Hi there, everything okay? Can I get you anything else Mrs. King?" "Oh no thank you Colleen, can we get a box for the leftovers though? And the check please?" "Of course, I will be right back with both those for you." Colleen came back with a white looking thing and gave mommy a piece of paper. I looked at the white thing and watched as mommy started putting the little sandwiches away, "Mommy?" "Yes Cali?" "Why you put those in there?" "Well, this is a to-go box, we want to keep the food we paid for, so we get to take the food we didn't eat, home in this container so that we can eat it later." I nodded that sounded good, I liked all the food we had, and I would get to eat it later again! "Alright little one, you ready to head out of here? There's one more stop we need to make before we head home." I nodded my head "Okay Mommy, where we go?" Mommy looked over at me, "Well.... Have you ever had a haircut?" I tilted my head, "What a haircut?" Mommy gave me a smile, but it wasn't her normal smile, "well.... it's where a professional cuts some of your hair to make it shorter." I gasped and grabbed a handful of my hair, "B-But Mommy, I like my hair! No cut please!" She smiled, "Oh no, baby, they won't cut a lot off, just the bits on the end, you have a lot of dead ends and split ends honey, we have to make your hair healthy, just like we are making you healthy, and the nice thing about hair, is that it will grow back even healthier." I Stared at Mommy, she didn't seem to be lying, "You promise?" I held out my pinky for Mommy, she had to promise otherwise I won't let them cut my hair. She laughed and put her pinky with mine, "Yes baby girl, I pinky promise, your hair will grow back." I nodded, "Okaies, can cut my hair." Mommy picked me up and gave me a hug, "Such a brave girl!" I giggled and reached over for Cotton Candy, I didn't want her to have to stay here and eat all the sandwiches!

Mommy stuck me in my car seat and off we went to get my hair cut! "Mommy?" I saw mommy look into the mirror thing hanging in the window, "Yes Cali?" "The pro-mo-fressnal?" "Professional, but good job, sweetie." "Is they nice?" "Oh yes, sweet girl, they are very nice! Your Daddy, Papa and Mama and I all get our haircut by them, we have been going to them for years." "Okay!" I went back to looking, out the window if Mommy said they nice, then they nice. Mommy stopped the car in no time and came and got me, "Mommy, I bring Cotton Candy, she get lonely in the car." "Oh of course silly me, we can't forget Cotton Candy!" Mommy reached into my seat and grabbed her and handed her to me, "Alright, let's go get some healthy hair!"  

Mommy day out!

 We are approaching the end of the story guys, guessing probably only 2 to 3 chapters left, I am going to try my hardest to post next week, however I have a lot going on in the next 2 weeks so I'm not sure if I will be able to get one written and posted but if I can't please don't be mad, as soon as I am able I will get one posted for you all!

Thank you so much for all my continued readers! I appreciate you! :)  

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