Chapter 53

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Papa had brought me to the Space Musuem! And he told me that if I wasn't too tired at the end then we could swing by and see the Alligators that were in the area next door, I wasn't so sure about that but figured I'd find out if I liked Alligators when I saw them. Papa walked us right up to the gate to get into the space museum and the lady let us right in, the first thing we got to do was to ride in a giant golf cart to the exhibit, there was a lot of rows on this golf cart!

Once we pulled up to the exhibit, which was just a giant building, it was even bigger than the house! Papa climbed out of the cart and pulled out the stroller, then picked me up, "Alright Sweetie, Stroller or walk first?" I pointed to the stroller, I was feeling a little shy with all the people around, but I wanted to make sure I could still see everything too. I was set in the stroller and strapped in, Papa started moving into the building and let out a big sigh when we went in, "AC feels so good, doesn't it Cali?" I nodded vaguely at him as I was focused on everything that I could see in the building.

"Out please Papa?" I looked back at him, and he nodded at me, "Alright, I should have known you wouldn't want to be in there when we were in here. Let me just find somewhere to park the stroller then I'll get you out kid." Once Papa had parked the stroller he came and grabbed me from the stroller, he set me down and knelled in front of me, "Cali, please stay close to me, it's busy and I don't want to lose you, okay?" I nodded and Papa stood back up. I was quick to grab his hand as soon as he had stood up and started dragging him to the closest thing I could see. Which turned out to be a real-life astronaut! I got to touch the astronaut and I felt his helmet! It was so awesome! Papa led me away from the cool astronaut though and took me down a cool hallway that had all the past astronauts' pictures up and a description of them, at the end of the hallway was a big room that had a stage in the middle and there was a lady there talking about all things space! The ceiling was a whole bunch of stars and I think I saw a planet or two as well! Papa walked over to the stage and was asking the lady some questions, but I wasn't listening I was staring up at the ceiling, I saw a shooting star go by and I quickly shut my eyes and wished that I never had to leave my new found family, I was so happy and didn't know where I would be without my Mommy and Daddy and Papa and Mama. Opening my eyes back up, I noticed Papa smiling down at me, "Did you make a wish on the shooting star, Baby?" I nodded and the lady on the stage clapped her hands and reached into a little baggie she had, "Here sweetie, this is for you to always remember the wish you made." she handed me a little star pin and I smiled and took it from her, "Thank you!" She smiled at me "You are so welcome sweetie, I hope your wish comes true." she winked at me, and I giggled and looked over at Papa, He smiled at me, "Are you ready to go explore some more?" I nodded and waved to the lady, Papa led me out of the room and the next room we went in was a whole bunch of kids' space stuff!

I turned and looked up at Papa and he smiled at me, "Want to go explore sweetie?" I nodded and held my pin up for Papa, "Hold please?" He smiled and took the pin from me, "Alright where do you want to go first Babygirl?" I giggled and started dragging Papa to this cool computer thing, it turned out it asked you questions about Space; I knew almost all of the answers and Papa was so impressed! Once I had answered all the questions, I looked around the room and saw a big space themed playground! I pointed to it and looked back at Papa, "I go play please?" He looked at me and seemed to be thinking about it, so I gave him some sad eyes so that he would feel bad for me and let me go hopefully, He laughed at me, "You are giving me puppy eyes, baby?" I immediately stopped oh no the poor puppy eyes, I didn't want to hurt a puppy! Papa laughed, "No baby, it's just an expression for how your eyes were, you can go play, I will be right at the table right here keeping an eye on you, but if you need me come get me okay?" I squealed and nodded my head super fast! I went running off to the playground looking back every now and again just to make sure Papa was still there.

I played for what felt like hours, running up to the top of the playground, sliding down the slide or just running up and sitting in the play area that they made feel like a spaceship, I had a lot of fun pushing all the buttons on that, when I got all hot and sweaty I decided I had better go see Papa, and I need the potty and I was thirsty. I slid down the slide again and then made my way slowly over to where Papa was sitting watching me, he smiled at me when I approached, "Did you have fun Baby? All tired now?" I nodded and reached my arms up for him, I wanted to be held, I was way too tired to walk, "Alright come here." Papa scooped me up and settled me on his lap, "Are you hungry little one? It's a little past lunch time, but we just won't tell Mama and Mommy and they will never know." I nodded and then looked up at Papa, "Potty?" "Oh, you need to Potty?" I nodded, "Alright, let's go potty first then we will get food."  

Happy Monday everyone! She went to the Space Musuem! 

I'm looking for ideas on what she should do with Mommy for her day out, so if you have an idea of where they go let me know! (They live in Florida, but it's a story so I'm open to other ideas as well)

Also going to try to get the next chapter out of you all next Monday but no guarantees as I've got a jam-packed week and weekend. but I will try my hardest for you all! 

Thank you so much for reading my story you all, I am so thankful for all of you and all my new followers! :) 

Learning to Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें