Chapter 47

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Mommy walked into the dining room and tried to put me in my seat, I whimpered and shook my head. I didn't want to sit in the seat, I wanted to stay with Mommy if I couldn't go play. "Come on Honey, you have to sit in your seat for your dinner. Aren't you hungry?" I shook my head no and tightened my grip on Mommy's shirt. "Come on, little one, I need to put you in your chair so that mommy can eat too." I just whimpered and tried to bring my face to her shirt,

"Cali King, you sit your little bottom in that chair right now!" I immediately let go of Mommy's shirt and fell into the seat. I started trembling and my bottom lip started wobbling. "Was that really necessary Josh?" "Well, she's sitting in her seat isnt she?" Tears started falling down my face and the next thing I knew someone was picking me up and rocking me. From the smell it was Mama, I was still whimpering and thought he might get mad and come hurt me. I looked up at Mama, "Owies?" "Shhh, no owies honey I promise, Papa is just Hangry." I cuddled into her chest and took a deep sigh. "I'm going to take her upstairs, I don't think she will eat anything now, but I'll give her some pediasure in her bottle."

Mama walked out of the dining room and walked into the kitchen, "Hey Chef Fred, can I get her bottle please? I'm going to take her upstairs; I'll come back and eat later." "Oh of course Mrs. King, I'll keep your food hot for you." Mama was handed my bottle and she walked out of the kitchen through a different door, I didn't know you could go into the kitchen another way. Mama didn't hesitate and started heading for the stairs, I could hear raised voices coming from the dining room and I whimpered and clung tighter to Mama, she may change her mind and take me back in there. Mama bounced me and shushed me, "I know, it's alright sweetie, they are just having heated debate."

Mama walked into my bedroom and headed over to the rocking chair in the corner, she made a little detour and grabbed my teddies for me, I cuddled them to my chest, I bet it wouldn't have been so scary downstairs if I had, had my teddies with me. I could feel the tears still streaming down my face, but Mama sat down and repositioned me on her lap so that she could see my face, She frowned and then gave me a soft smile, she reached up and wiped off the tears from my face, "I'm so sorry Papa scared you sweetie, I'll make sure he has snacks more often so he doesn't get cross like that again, rest assured we all love you Cali, and we are so glad you are in our lives." I just stared at her, she gave me a big smile and kissed my forehead.

"Alright I'm going to lay you down in my lap so that you can drink your bottle, okay?" I nodded and let her lay me down, I clutched teddies closely and smiled up at her. "You're such a sweet girl, Cali. I'm sorry the beginning of your life was so bad, we want to change that though, please let us." I just looked up at her, and she brought the bottle up to my lips. I opened my mouth and started drinking, it tasted really sweet today, but I wasn't going to complain. I drank almost all of it before my eyes started to close, Mama kept a smile on her face the whole time I was drinking, she started rocking and humming and I started closing my eyes for longer and longer until finally I welcomed the darkness. I felt myself being lifted up and walked somewhere and I almost opened my eyes again but then I felt my bed under me, I was set down and a blanket was put over me, I snuggled into the pillow and gave a big sigh, before falling into dreamland.  

A little drama for you all! 

I've been super busy lately guys I'm sorry, after next Sunday I'm hoping things will calm down some though. 

little bit of time with Mama :) 

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