Chapter 3

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All I could see was darkness. I could hear voices all around me. "she'll be fine, she had a panic attack and passed out" "She's been badly beaten, look at all those scars" "We will have to do a blood test and run her in the data base, someone has to be looking for her" "it's a really good thing that they decided to run a warrant after finding that man, who knows what would have happened had the police not found her" "does anyone know her name?"

I didn't understand how anyone had found out; we had moved towns every time someone got close to finding anything out. He never allowed anyone who seemed respectful into the house, unless it was a drug dealer or one of his gang. The women he brought home were always there a week or 2 and then high tailed it as soon as they found out he didn't work, just used them for the money so he could get beer and drugs.

I blinked my eyes open, I was in an all-white room, there was a small chair in the corner of the room, I seemed to be in some weird looking thing, rail on both sides and there was a small monitor that was beeping, attached to the monitor was a cable that I followed with my eyes to my chest, there was two stickers on my chest, and a needle stuck to the middle of my hand which seemed to be attached to some strange looking pole. I looked at myself then, saw a simple white dress looking thing on me and I appeared to be wearing some sort of weird thing between my legs, it was soft and crinkled when I moved slightly. Right before I could completely freak out, I heard the door open, and someone come into the room.

"Hi Sweetheart, I'm glad to see you awake" I just stared at her, but looked towards the monitor, she seemed to understand me when she answered "that's to keep us updated with your heart rate sweetie"

I just nodded and looked back down, I started pulling at my fingernails nervously not quite sure why I was here and what this place was. I heard her sigh, and she grabbed my hands "Please don't do that sweetie, you'll hurt yourself and you have so many owies already" I froze and then slowly turned my head so I could look at her out of the corner of my eye. "Since you're awake I need to tell the doctor and the police they all need to talk to you" I whipped my head up so fast and started shaking my head no with my eyes going wide, I couldn't talk to the police or even see them, I knew if I said anything to them, he would kill me. The lady looked taken aback and her eyes grew wide as she pushed a button on the side of the weird looking thing I was lying on. "Sweetie please calm down and lay back down you can't get too worked up" I started thrashing around and was trying to break free from the things attached to me, I heard lots of footsteps running into the room.

"What happened?" "What did you do to her?" "Sedate her quick, she's going to hurt herself" I felt a poke in my arm and then darkness consumed me again.  

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