Chapter 43

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Jordan crouched down beside me, "Are you ready to play?" I nodded my head yes and reached for his hand, if I was going to go play, I wanted to be able to hold onto him to make sure he didn't leave me. Jordan stood back up and started walking towards the play yard, "Alright sweetie, what would you like to play with first?" I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders, I didn't know where I wanted to go first. He smiled and led me over to one of the little buildings, "Look we built this one to be the tea shop, would you like to go in and have a tea party?"

I looked into the little window, I could see a little counter, with tea pots on it, then a little table that was set and had a couple of little chairs around it. I turned and looked up at Jordan and nodded, He gave me a big smile and then started walking towards the door of the little building, "Alright so we have to do this right, so ma'am table for two?" he bowed down in front of me, I let go of his hand and giggled, I nodded yes and watched as he stuck his arm out for me, I flinched back for just a moment, but then relaxed a little and looked up at Jordan, "you put your hand on my arm baby, then I will walk you over to your table." I nodded and put my hand lightly onto his arm, He smiled at me then "Right this way my lady." he walked me over to the little table and pulled out one of the chairs, "here's your seat ma'am." I sat down and giggled while I was watching him round the table to sit down in one of the other chairs, he was so big and the chair was so little. He picked up the teapot that was in the center of the table, "my lady would you like some tea?" I nodded and held up the tea cup that was in front of me, he "Poured" the tea in the cup and then poured some for himself. "Okay so now we clink them together and then take a sip from the cups. I nodded and he held up his cup and clinked it together into my cup, we both moved the cups up to our mouths and took a pretend sip, there wasn't anything in the cups. I put the cup back onto to the table and looked around the place, it was really cool in here, whoever had built it and put it together had done a great job, it actually looked like a little tea shop.

I was excited to go check out more of the little town and pointed towards the door and looked at Jordan, he looked at me and gave me a smile, "You want to go check out some more?" I nodded and stood up heading for the door. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure the Jordan was still coming. Once I had made it out of the tea shop, I looked towards the house and saw Abbie, I smiled and took off towards the house so I could give her a hug. "Mommy" I said as I crashed into her legs. She picked me up and gave me a big hug, "Hi Baby, are you having fun with Jordan?" I nodded and pointed towards the little buildings; I wanted her to come play with me too. "Yeah, we built all that for you, I have to go into work for a little bit, but Jordan is going to play with you, and Josh should be out in a little bit too." I pouted; I didn't want her to go to work I wanted her to play with me. "I know sweetie, I'm sorry, I will play with you as soon as I get home, I promise." I stuck my thumb in my mouth and nodded my head, as long as she played later with me, she set me down and patted my bottom, "Alright Babygirl go play and I'll be back as soon as I can."

I took off back towards Jordan and ran into the next building, it turned out to be set up like a little diner, I checked it all out, then walked back out, Jordan was standing right by the door, "Did you like the diner baby?" I nodded and then started walking towards the next one. Walking in it was set up like a grocery store would be, I hung out in there for a little bit, then decided to go explore the next building. The next one was set up like a toy store, there were so many toys in there, I explored it from top and bottom. Once I was done exploring, I walked out to find Jordan, Him and Josh were both standing in the middle of the yard talking to each other, I headed over to them and threw my arms around Jordan's legs. "Hello Cali, did you like all the little shops for you?" I nodded. 

Josh spoke up "But I bet you didn't see the best part yet, come check this out Babygirl." he picked me up and started walking around the buildings, back behind them was this little building that had some little cars in it. "So, we built pretty much a little town and figured it would be pretty awesome if you could drive a car up to the building, so we created a little shop for the cars, and you can drive it out and around the buildings." I gasped and looked at him, he smiled and set me down on the ground, I ran over to a really pretty blue car and climbed in, I had no idea how to get it started though and looked up at Josh, He chuckled and walked over to me. "In order to get it to move, you push the pedal on the floor there, to steer you move the wheel, if you want to stop you lift your foot off the pedal and it'll stop the car." I nodded and pushed the pedal on the floor, I started moving and I started laughing, this was fun!

What do you all think?   

cute little bonding moment with Jordan and Josh :) 

Hope you all enjoyed! 

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