Chapter 28

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I didn't pay too much attention to Abbie and Gabby talking away in the car while I was busy with my juice box, I had only ended up eating a few goldfish, but the juice box I liked and was quite happy drinking all of. I did suddenly realize they were talking about the next store when they mentioned only one of them going in and the other staying with me. I literally dropped the juice box in my hand and looked quickly up at Abbie with wide eyes, I made a small whimper as I locked eyes with her, she was gonna beat me for looking right at her. Abbie's face lit up when she noticed me looking at her, "Hi Baby, I'm so proud of you, it's okay to look at my eye's nothing's going to happen to you."

I immediately brought my eyes back down to my lap, "Oh Baby girl, can you look at me, I want to see those pretty blue eyes you have." I started shaking, I heard a sigh and then a hand came and touched my chin, gently lifting up my head to look at her, I felt tears pricking my eyes as my eyes forced themselves to look at Her's. "It's alright, nothing's going to happen, would you like to go into the grocery store with me? Is that why you looked at me?" I tried to nod my head, but her fingers were still under my chin, but I did blink to try to get the tears to stop pricking my eyes, I brought teddy up to my face and rubbed him across my nose. Abbie sighed and reached across my seat, on instinct I flinched, but she just grabbed my juice box and then took her hand away from me, "Alright guess we are all going into the store then."

The car suddenly stopped, and Gabby was quick to unbuckle herself and get out, Abbie unbuckled herself and then reached over to my seat again, I watched her hands just to make sure she wouldn't take me by surprise and suddenly slap me. Abbie quickly undid the buckles and brought me out of the seat, I quickly clutched teddy and I reached for my new teddy, thinking I should take her as well, I didn't want her to be lonely. "Why don't we leave new teddy here Cali, we only be in the store for ten minutes tops, and she will nice and safe in the car, you've got one teddy to keep you company and this way we only have to keep track of one in case you drop him." I stopped reaching for teddy and then nodded. I guess that was a good idea, I could leave new teddy behind if we would only be gone for a little bit. "Good girl" Abbie murmured as she gave me a kiss to the top of my head. She climbed out of the car and settled me on her hip. My fingers found their way to my mouth again and I brought my arm that had teddy up to settle my hand right on her chest, I laid my head down on her shoulder and blinked, I was getting a little tired but hopefully I could stay awake until we had managed to get home.

Abbie started rubbing my back and Gabby looked at me and smiled. "Aww is someone a little sleepy?" I just whined and turned my head into Abbie's shoulder more so that I didn't see her. "Shhh." Abbie cooed at me. "Alright let's get the pediasure and formula and get out of here, I think someone needs a N-A-P." In my tired state I didn't even realize what she was saying but I could feel my eyes closing involuntarily even though I was trying to keep them open, but with the way Abbie was walking and the gentle pats on my back it was getting harder to keep my eyes open. The last thing I remember seeing before my eyes closed for good was Gabby grabbing a cart, even though we were supposedly only here for two things.

When I awoke, I was sitting in my car seat and Abbie and Gabby were talking quietly to each other. Gabby was the first to notice that I awake, "Good morning, Hun, did you have a good nap?" Abbie looked at me and smiled, "Hi, Baby girl, we are almost home. I hope you got a good nap in." I didn't know how to answer that, and I still wasn't too sure about talking to them, what if they heard me talk and decided that it was better if I didn't talk? They could decide I wasn't worth the aggravation and toss me out as well. I did kind of like them all, they were growing on me and since I hadn't been beaten since I had been put in the hospital, I was kind of starting to trust them a little bit more.

I wiggled in my seat and tears sprung to my eyes; I had wet myself in my sleep again. Abbie was going to be so upset with me. "Hey Cali, what's the matter baby?" I looked up at Abbie with tears starting to come down my face. "Oh Baby, what happened? Was it something Gabby or I said?" I shook my head and then looked down I couldn't face her.

"Oh, did you go potty?" I nodded but kept my head down, "it's okay I'll change you as soon we get inside, okay?" I felt the car stop right at that moment and there was suddenly a lot of movement, Gabby climbed out of the car and Abbie was unstrapping and pulling me out of my car seat. "Come on, baby, let's go inside and get you all nice and clean."  

Sorry its short everyone! But I'm so glad you all have stuck around and people are enjoying this story! 

Thank you for reading! 

Don't forget to take care of yourself! :) 

Learning to LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon