Chapter 41

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I blinked open my eyes, that was a great sleep I just had. I suddenly felt dampness under my bottom, I whimpered, I had wet myself again. The door opened, "Good Morning Babygirl. Did you sleep well?" I whimpered again and brought my teddies up in a big hug. I squeaked when I was picked up and settled on Abbie's hip. "Did you have an accident in your sleep baby?" I nodded and tucked my head into her neck. I felt my bottom being patted, "It's okay baby, that's why I put a diaper on you last night, I thought it would be better than a pull-up being leaked through."

I was laid down on the table thingy, I reached up for Abbie, for some reason I just wanted to be held. "Oh, I know Baby, give me just a little bit, we will get you changed and ready for the day, then I can hold you again." I started whimpering when Abbie lifted up my dress I was wearing and started undoing the diaper around my waist. "Shhh, I know, you're very clingy today, Baby." Once I was finally changed Abbie was quick to pick me back up, "Alright, let's go find something for you to wear today." She headed into the closet and started going through all the clothes hanging there. "Mhm, I bet you would look cute in this baby." I was set down on the floor in the closet and I immediately sat down and held my hands up for Abbie. "I know, let me just change you and then I'll pick you back up." Abbie reached for my nightdress, she pulled it over my head and slid the outfit she had picked out back over my head, "There you go Baby, pretty dress, for a pretty little girl, mhm?" I looked up at her and blushed, I lifted my hands back up hoping she would pick me up now. She laughed and picked me up, settling me on her hip. "Alright let's go say Good Morning, to everyone else."

Abbie walked out of the room and down the stairs, she walked into the dining room and only Jordan was sitting there. "Where's Josh and Gabby? Not up yet I guess?" "I don't think they are awake yet, Good Morning Cali, oh your eye Baby, does it hurt?" I nodded, my eye did really hurt, but I was afraid to ask for medicine. "Poor thing, I'll ask Chef Fred for your sippy and your pain meds." Jordan got up from the table and disappeared through the swinging door. A minute later, Chef Fred and Jordan were walking into the dining room, Abbie walked over to her seat and sat down with me on her lap, I'm glad she didn't try to put me in my seat, I wanted to sit with her.

I smiled when Chef Fred set my sippy down in front of me, He looked at me and smiled back, "Hi Cali, I heard all about your boo-boo we will make sure you get all your medicine so that you feel so much better soon." I just stared at him, I didn't know if I could really talk to anyone besides Abbie yet, still too afraid that I would be slapped for talking. "Here Sweetie, open your mouth please." I opened my mouth and something liquid was stuck in my throat, before I had a chance to spit out the nasty tasting stuff, my sippy was stuck in my mouth, I was forced to swallow and I sputtered a bit. "Good girl, I'm so sorry, I know it doesn't taste good but you need it to feel better." I nodded and turned my face into Abbie's neck, she patted my back and started talking to Jordan.  

Yes, I know it's super short, and yes, I know I feel like all I've been doing is apologizing for how short my chapters have been lately, I just have a lot going on right now, but I feel like a short chapter is better than no chapter for you all. Hopefully in the next few weeks things will settle down and I can go back to writing longer chapters. 

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