Chapter 60

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I woke up, tucked up in my bed, how did I get here? And when did we get home? I sat up and stretched really big! I looked around and saw teddies and Cotton Candy spread out around me, I giggled and grabbed Cotton Candy, it was time to introduce her to all my friends! Once I had introduced all my friends, I climbed off my bed and headed for the door, my tummy was grumbly, must need food. I made my way downstairs and heard talking coming from down the hall, I didn't remember what rooms were down there, but seems like a great time to explore! I wandered down the hallway and looked at all the pictures hanging on the wall, it was mostly a whole bunch of old people, but occasionally there would be one that looked like a family picture almost, usually a lady, man and two younger looking people, a boy and girl, and then as I went further, it was just the lady with the two younger ones, everyone had red hair though, I wonder if I took after any of these people in the pictures.

I could hear talking in the room I was approaching, I peeked my head around, that's where everyone was, Mommy and Mama were sitting on a couch across from a desk where Papa was leaning against the desk and was looking at Mommy and Mama and Daddy was sitting in one of those cool rollie chairs behind the desk, I wanted to sit in the cool rollie chair! I couldn't understand what they were talking about, but I somewhat knew it was about me. "Cali! Hi, sweetie, did you have a nice nap?" I jumped and stared at Papa, he was looking right at me, I squealed and ran for Mommy, I ran right into her legs and buried my face into her legs. Mommy laughed, "Hi Babygirl, did Papa scare you?" I nodded my head yes, but didn't want to look up, "Well that wasn't very nice, was it?" Mommy grabbed underneath my arms and lifted me up to sit on her lap, I squealed again and buried my face into her chest. I heard laughter and then quiet murmurs around me, I looked sideways to see Mama looking at me. She gave me a smile when she saw I was looking at her.

I snuggled into Mommies arms so I could get closer to her, I just wanted to be as close as possible to her, Mommy just started patting my back and rocking back and forth. I relaxed and peeked my head out so I could see what was going on, everyone was back to talking to each other and weren't paying me any attention, which I was thankful for. Once I was a little bit calmer Mommy looked down at me "Cali, are you hungry? It's almost time for dinner, what do you say we go wash our hands so we can eat." I nodded, I looked down at my hands to see if they were dirty, but I couldn't tell, so I looked back at mommy, "Wash" "Yes Babygirl, good job, we are going to go wash our hands!" Mommy stood up and set me on her hip, she started patting my bum and walked out of the room, I heard Papa say as we were walking out, "Guess it's time to eat, uh?"

Once my hands were washed and I was set in my seat, Chef Fred came and hand delivered my chicken nuggets with French fries to me, and some carrots with some ranch so I could dip them, I wasn't quite sure what dipping was and what I was supposed to dip, but I told Chef Fred thank you anyways. It looked like everyone else had some sort of Chicken with Potato and those tree things I was given not too long ago and didn't like, yuck! I was happily eating when I heard Mama call my name, I stopped and stared at her, "Baby girl, tomorrow we are going to go somewhere altogether as a family, it's going to be super duper fun, but we need to get as much sleep as you can tonight, so after we eat, you are going to go get a bath and get your jammies on, then brush your teeth and pick out a book you want read tonight okay?" I looked at Mama for a really long time but then I smiled and nodded, "Okie Mama, where we go?" I looked around at everyone else and they were all smiling at me, why does everyone always smile at me? "It's a surprise baby, but don't worry, you are going to have so much fun tomorrow." 

Another Chapter out guys! :) 

quick question, would you guys prefer smaller chapters, like this size every week, or bigger and better chapters, like every other week or every 2 weeks? I literally come home on Mondays and write and post on the same day and I feel like I can do so much better if I had longer to write. 

There's still so much I have to cover before I finish this story, but I don't want to make you all wait forever for an update.

Thank you for reading! you all are the best! :) 

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