Chapter 46

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I played with everything in my new playroom! Mommy had been following right behind me the whole time, if I picked up something and didn't know what to do with it, she would show me exactly how it worked and what I was supposed to do with it.

Daddy walked into the room suddenly "Hey Abbie, it's dinner time, want to grab Cali and head downstairs?" I shook my head; I didn't want to stop and go eat; I'll stay here while they go eat. "Oh, it's that time already?" I was picked up by mommy and I cried out. "Shh, I'm sorry baby girl, we will play again tomorrow I promise!" Mommy started bouncing me and I tossed my head back and wailed.

"Oh my, Jordan, we will be down in a minute, let me get her calmed down, then we will be down, tell everyone they can start eating." Mommy put her hand on the back of my head and brought it to her shoulder, she started swaying back and forth and humming to me. Once I was just sniffling, I was set down on my feet, mommy crouched in front of me holding my hands. I whimpered and then looked around, we were in my bathroom, when did we get here? "Shh, I know sweetie, you just want to play right?" I nodded and looked up at her. She looked at me with a strange expression, she brought her hand up to my face and wiped under my eyes. I flinched a little bit, but then relaxed when she hadn't smacked me. "I know, I'm sorry, we have to go eat dinner, then its bath time and bedtime. But we can play in the playroom again tomorrow, I promise!" I nodded but looked down, I wasn't hungry, couldn't I just stay and play, and they go eat? "Thank you, sweet girl, now before we wash your hands, let's try to go potty." I was placed on the potty before I could even tell her I didn't need to go, but then to my shock I pee'd, I didn't know I had to go! I looked up at mommy in surprise and she chuckled at me.

"Did you not realize you had to go baby?" I shook my head no, but then remembered I had to wipe, and flush. Once I was done, I turned around and smiled at mommy. "Alright let's wash your hands Cali." I was picked up and set on the counter. I leaned over the sink and scrubbed my hands, once they were clean, I showed them to mommy. She brought over a towel and smiled at me, "What a good girl you are! You washed your hands all by yourself!" I gave a big smile and mommy picked me up and started giving me lots of kisses all over my face. I started giggling and screaming "MOMMY" she laughed and settled me on her hip, "Alright Sweet girl, let's go get some yummy in that tummy!" I nodded and pointed towards the door.

"Yes, we are going!" Mommy started laughing, but she headed out of the room towards the stairs.

-I know it's really short guys, but my creative juices just aren't going right now. It was a long week and this week is looking to be the same way.   

-I'm looking for any inspiration you all happen to have, or anything you would like to see happen in this story. I feel like I have a good idea for a chapter, then start writing it and it turns into like 200 words then I'm trying to come up with fill in words to make it longer :) 

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