Chapter 32

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I sniffled for a few minutes, Abbie put me down and knelt right in front of me, she held onto my hips. "Okay, Cali, I need you to be brave for me for two minutes, can you do that for me please?" I looked up at Abbie's face, and stared at her for a minute, then nodded. Abbie broke out into a big smile, "Good girl, thank you so much." I was moved so that my back was against the wall and the nurse lady was lowering something from the wall onto the top of my head. Abbie was holding my hips, I guess in an effort to keep me still, I looked up at her face and my eyes started to water. Abbie coo'd at me, "Almost done baby, you're doing so well."

"Okay, all done, thank you for being such a good girl." Abbie quickly picked me up and set me on her hip, she started rubbing my back, "You were so brave, I'm so proud of you Cali." "We can go back to the room now." Abbie walked back to the room, Josh stood up from one of the chairs when we walked in, "Aww, poor baby, look what I found in the bottom of the diaper bag baby?" I looked into Josh's hands and saw him with my whiteboard, I kind of forgot about it actually, but now I could tell them I wanted to leave this place, I didn't like this place no more. I reached out for the whiteboard in Josh's hand. He smiled at me and handed it to me, Abbie sat back down on the paper covered table thing, settling me back in her lap. I brought the whiteboard and marker in front of me. I wrote down that I wanted to leave, I didn't like this place. Abbie looked over my shoulder at what I was writing. "Cali, we can't leave yet, we are at the doctors, they want to check and make sure you are gaining weight and that you are getting healthier baby." I let out a sob when Abbie said that, then turned my focus back to the whiteboard, I wiped off the board with my hand, then wrote why? I was fine, no need for Doctor's visits. Abbie sighed and turned me to face her.

"Cali, Baby, I know you never regularly went to the doctor like you should have, but we go to the doctor to make sure we are healthy and so we can make sure there aren't any issues with our body, and don't forget you have Osteopenia. We need to make sure that it's not getting worse and hopefully we can cure it if we get the doctor to keep an eye on it." I looked into Abbie's eyes; I really didn't like the doctors, but I guess she had a point. I nodded my head and leaned into her chest. She started rubbing my back and I cuddled further into her, my whiteboard was between my chest and hers, so it was a little hard, but I didn't want to let go of the board in case I didn't get it back.

I felt someone approaching behind and I jumped and turned, staring at the nurse lady, "I didn't mean to startle you, the only thing we didn't get was a blood pressure reading but I'll let the doctor decide what to do about that, I'm going to tell them we are ready for them, Okay?" She smiled down at me and I looked at her, I didn't want the doctor to come in. She didn't give me time to write that I didn't want the doctor in, and she quickly left the room, shutting the door behind her. Abbie quickly turned me back around on her lap and started rubbing my back again. We waited in a comfortable silence for a little bit, then a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in" Josh called out. I turned my head so that I could see who was coming into the room. The door opened and a really tall Lady walked in wearing a doctor coat. She smiled at me when she saw me, "Good Morning, you must be Cali, I'm Doctor Smith, shall we make sure you are all nice and healthy today, uh?" I stared at her, she seemed nice I guess, but then I was also a pretty bad judge of character. She walked over to the stool that was in the room, she sat down and opened up the folder in her hands, "Alright so you've gained two whole pounds since you've been released from the hospital, you haven't gotten any taller, but we aren't too sure you will grow more anyways. I'm impressed you have gained as much as you have, but I do wish you had gained a little bit more." Josh looked over to the doctor, he had been watching me while the doctor talked, "How do you propose we get her to gain more weight? We can't force her to eat any more than she already does. She pretty much has an endless number of snacks at her disposal." "Have you thought of maybe breastfeeding?" "How would that work? I'm not pregnant, nor is anyone else in the house." Abbie sounded shocked, I turned my head to look up at her, then turned my attention to my whiteboard, I wrote down what is breastfeeding? Then tapped Abbie's shoulder. She turned her head to look at me, "When a mommy has a baby, her boobies make milk, and the baby will drink the milk from her boob." I looked at Abbie, then put my hand on her chest, "Yes baby that's my boob, you would get milk from it, if we can find a way for me to produce milk, if you'd like that?"

"Well, if you're interested, it's a prescription for some lactation pills, I can give you the prescription and you can think about and research if you'd like?" Abbie looked over at the doctor and nodded her head, "Yes, I think I'd like to go home and discuss with my husband and Josh's wife. I think this should be a family decision, we want what is best for Cali, of course, but we also want to make sure she is comfortable." "I completely understand, like I said, I'll give you the prescription, and I'll see if I can find some brochures as well, maybe Josh's wife would be interested in breastfeeding as well?" Josh made a noise in his throat, "Thank you Dr. Smith, we can certainly discuss this as a family at home."

"Okay, I will go write the prescription for both Abbie and your wife Josh, I would like to see Cali back again in two weeks, hopefully we can get a blood pressure reading then, and we will see you getting healthier, Huh, Cali?" I looked over at the doctor and she was smiling at me, I felt shy all of a sudden, not sure why, but I turned my head into Abbie's chest. I felt Abbie start rubbing my back, she stood up with me in her arms, "Thank you so much Dr. Smith, we will see you in two weeks then." Josh approached Abbie, and touched my back, "What do you say Cali?" I looked up at Josh, and he raised his eyebrow at me, then tilted his head at the doctor who had her hand on the doorknob, I looked over to the doctor and brought the hand that wasn't holding my whiteboard up and gave a small wave, then tucked my head back into Abbie's chest, I heard Josh laugh, "Well at least you got a wave Dr." "That I did, I will have the prescriptions and the brochures I find at the counter for you in just a minute." "Thanks Doc." "Josh, not that I want to whine, but I am getting very hungry, can we pay and go out to get some breakfast please?" Abbie started walking towards the door and I looked over her shoulder to see Josh shaking his head and grabbing the bag before walking towards the door as well. "Of course, honey, and would you like a horse as well?" Abbie stopped and turned around to face him, "No, I just want to eat before I get Hangry as you say I do, thought I would warn you I was getting hungry, and I'm sure Cali is hungry as well, aren't you sweet girl?"

I thought about food, and before I could even nod, my stomach made a loud noise, Abbie laughed, "See Josh, even her stomach agrees." "Yeah, yeah, come on, let me go pay and get those prescriptions for you, you go and get Cali situated in the car and decide where we should go for breakfast."  

Sorry for the long wait everyone, but I got a chapter out for you all today :) 

Hope everyone is taking care of themselves! 

What do you all think about breastfeeding? Yay/ nay, one or both of the females? if only one, which one? 

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