
One year later

It was a cold night in late November.Taehyung sat infront of a mirror, staring at Jungkook through the reflection in it.

Hyung was reading a book while leaning back to the headboard.Those long hairs that taehyung came to love where covering Jungkook's eyes from him.

Taehyung's lips twitch slightly at the sight and his eyes glancing back to himself slowly.He was wearing nothing much but a shirt that covering till his middle thigh.The tiny water droplets were dripping from his hair wetting his shirt and body.He licks his lips ,his gaze struck at Jungkook before stood up.

He clear his throat making Jungkook to avert his gaze from the book to him.He could see hyung's face flicker with amusement as he walks towards the bed.

Tae felt like his blood had caught fire as their eyes locked, filling him with want.Those piercing gaze darkening when tae snatch the book from his hand and climb on to his lap.

"Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?".Jungkook asks rubbing his face over the neck and shoulders of younger. It's like a slow drip of syrup running down the outside of a bottle. He breathes in taehyung's hair, still damp at the ends from his bath.He noses behind tae's ear and makes a sound in his throat, an appreciative hum.

Taehyung tilts his head away, exposing his neck wide when Jungkook presses his face more and exhales, making him shiver."N-No".He mutter slowly, letting Jungkook unbutton his shirt.


Their lips collided fastly, sparks of magic setting tae's skin alight. He sighed into Jungkook's mouth as they continued to explore each other's mouth .

"Let's make babies".Tae whisper when they parted out of breath.Jungkook smiles wholeheartedly giving a nod but soon his smile turn into a surprise.

"What?".He pulls back and held taehyung's gaze.

"I want a baby".Tae says adamantly making Jungkook smile.

"Come here". Jungkook said quietly,as he took tae's hand and lay down slowly on the bed, pulling younger on top of him.

Taehyung straddled his legs and snuggled against Jungkook's chest. He tucked his head under hyung's and Jungkook could feel the silkiness of tae's hair against his chin.

"Okay, We have Bora.And Jimin's little ones-". Jungkook smile as he held tae close to his heart."If you're missing them, we'll visit them tomorrow".

Tae play with the button on Jungkook's shirt and smile staring back at Jungkook's eyes."I'm saying I want my own kid!".

Jungkook smile as his lips gently press against tae's soft ones leaving a chaste kiss."We will have many more in the future, don't worry.But now you're young and still a kid yourself".He says softly but tae gave him a deathly glare.

"I.Want.A.Baby, JEON".Tae says, unbuckling Jungkook's pant hurriedly making Jungkook surprised.

"Love, what are you-".

"We are going to do it !".Tae grabs Jungkook's hand in tight hold making other chuckle aloud."I can't wait any longer".Tae whisper to himself making Jungkook surprise.Does tae really going to-...Jungkook shook his head and continued softly.

"Okay, I get it tae!.I know you wants a baby". Jungkook tried to pull back from taehyung yet he had to have some struggling untill he escaped of tae's grip."Let's take it easy,love".He stood on his feet ,still being at the pointy stare of tae.

"Hyung, come here".Tae whines making Jungkook smile.

Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at visible skin of tae that can see through from the draws up shirt.And those long legs making it impossible for Jungkook to keep his sanity.Its been a week they made love last and it was very tempting sight.Jungkook shook his head as he tried hard not to loose his cool.

"Let me think about it". Jungkook says calmly.It wasn't like he doesn't like babies,infact he loves children.But the fact that tae is only in his early twenties and the pregnancy could affect his career making it a difficult decision.Jungkook won't take chances in matters that considering tae.But he knows telling those to younger is only going to fuel the fire.

"You can think while lying down on bed!".Tae insist with a edgy tone.

"Easy,love". Jungkook chuckle trying to ease taehyung's decision.Soon he find himself outside of their room with a pillow flying out of the door as tae slammed shut the door infront of him.

"Taehyungie, are you serious?". Jungkook could hear a huff as he asks.

"I am more than serious Jeon!".Tae shouts from inside."You should think thoroughly the whole night.And let me know the answer in the morning! Your answer will decide if you sleep in sofa or on bed from now on!".

Jungkook squeeze close his eyes with a sigh."love, don't you know that I can't sleep without hugging you?".

"You can hug me the whole night if you're willing to give me a baby!".

Jungkook shook his head in disappointment when tae didn't opened the door.He had to squeeze himself uncomfortably in the sofa without a blink of a sleep for the whole night.And it wasn't only the night that Jungkook had to slept on that sofa.....It continued till-....

And there begins the next chapter of their life.......

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