Chapter 61-In love

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In the morning Jungkook had already seated in the dining table when tae had entered the room.

Taehyung was wearing a fancy designed light blue coat over a white tshirt making him more handsome.Jungkook's eyes scanned younger from head to toe,his eyes lingering more into the skin that seen in between the top three buttons of his shirt that tae didn't bother to button up.

Jungkook ripped his eyes away, trying to ignore that prickling of unease of staring at a boy. Another part of his mind pointed out unhelpfully, taehyung is more a man than a boy.Jungkook shook his head, which just made taehyung look at him curiously.

Jungkook cleared his throat as tae sat opposite to him."How was lantern festival?". Jungkook asks having their usual coffee.

"It was enjoyable".Tae says with a beaming smile."The view was admirable from the Han river ,eventhough the sidewalk was fully crowded ,they barely recognised me on the streets".Tae smiled at Jungkook and waited for a reaction.

Jungkook nodded taking another sip from his coffee."And Kai?".

"He was very gracious towards me.The dinner was spectacular.I haven't eaten such tasty native food like that in very long time.And the park nearby where he had taken me was beautiful, really!.The garden reminds me of our's here".

"So you had a good time?".

Tae tilt his head in confusion.Had Jungkook not realised that he did?

"Yes.It was good.I didn't even knew time could fly that fast!".

"Right". Jungkook says, sounding distant." It's almost time,I should get dressed for office.".He excused himself before tae had even started eating.

Jungkook came downstairs wearing his office attire and ripped his gaze away as it met with taehyung.

"Are we alright?".Tae asked when Jungkook once again made a move to head back out into the living room, rather than staying in the kitchen with tae and helping with dishes like usual.

"Fine". Jungkook replied. His stance was stiff, his shoulders back and his chin up, not relaxed like he normally was in home, particularly after their conversation from earlier.

"Really?".Tae raise an eyebrow in Jungkook's direction. "Don't bullshit me hyung!".

"It's nothing," Jungkook shrugs, taking his jacket in one hand. "I have a meeting scheduled in early morning. I'll see you later then".

Jungkook went to office fastly,knowing he could no longer act alright infront of tae.He couldn't ignore the twitching irritation in his heart, hearing taehyung boosting about his boyfriend.Jungkook hated to be like this, yet he can't stop himself feelings it.

He can't name what it is.But his blood was boiling when he heard tae had a good time with someone else other than him.He had to bite back sadness like it is nothing,Like he is alright and everything is going to be alright!

Jungkook entered 'Jeon inc' soon after that and was welcomed by his assistants.Amy had the gentle smile on her like usual, but what surprised Jungkook is that Soobin wasn't chatty and was so silent considering his uncharacteristically extrovert behaviour.

It was along the noon when Jungkook wasn't so busy when Soobin knocked on his office.He was surprised to see Soobin so energized than earlier,like the boy had determined something in mind.


Jungkook raised his brow , clearly amused and suspicious of that high pitch voice.

"What's the matter,soobin-ah?".

"Hyung, I hadn't slept yesterday!". Soobin's words made Jungkook to narrow his brow.Before he could enquire further ,Soobin continued."Yes,I was thinking about your situation actually.And now I have came to a point!".

"Oh Really?".Jungkook sigh tiredly."What is it?".

"You should fight for your love hyung!".Soobin says, taking a seat opposite to Jungkook, momentarily forgetting Jungkook is his boss and he is only a PA.

Jungkook shook his head in disapproval of the said idea but Soobin continued don't minding it even a bit."Yes,You have to work hard for your love hyung.What if taehyung is willing to give you a chance again?And what if he is ready to forget the past and accept your love?So you should definitely try!".

Jungkook rub his forehead dejectedly."Soobin you don't get it, taehyung already have a boyfriend!".He stress his each words, immediately remembering the morning when tae had praised Kai to sky.

"Right,so what ? What if he have a boyfriend? You have every right to fight for your love.Why would you think ,you are meddling in between them?If their love is strong it won't budge their relationship even if you try hard.So you'll try!".Soobin argued his voice bold and determined.

Soobin raised his hand stopping Jungkook from saying anything. "And hyung,Sometimes, you need to step back and think about things from a new perspective. Other times, you've just got to open your eyes to see what you needed all along".

He took deep breath ,like he is thinking. "To love and to be loved by someone, is a wonderful thing. Love is just love ,hyung.It has no limits, whether is it age ,status ,money and everything is insignificant infront of it".

"And falling in love isn't wrong hyung! You didn't do anything wrong! So just let your heart go where it wants!And you will be happy! Taehyung will be happy! Do you think anyone could love your husband more than you do? Can someone do that? I don't think so! So why do you have to hold back, hyung? Do you want give up on taehyung to someone else?Do you want to regret for not even trying? I'll help you ,So listen ,we'll fight together for your love!".Soobin slammed his both hands on Jungkook's table , leaning his face forward to stare at Jungkook like he doesn't want to hear any more arguments on that matter.

Jungkook sat froze on his seat when those words strike to his heart like an arrow.He blinked his eyes as Soobin finished his long speech.He sighed and shook his head."You should get back to your work!".

"Hyung I-".

"Soobin,I.said.get.out!". Jungkook gritted out his words making Soobin taken aback.Soobin bowed his head and walks out, closing the door behind.

Jungkook let himself fall back on his chair defeated.He couldn't respond to Soobin's suggestion.

It was so overwhelming.His heart was beating like it's the right words he is searching for the whole time.He wanted to say yes! He wanted to fight for his love .He wanted to try atleast!

Yes,he should try the least.

His mind was screaming 'what if he have a chance?'.

What if he could have taehyung despite their differences?What if age doesn't mattered?What if tae will fall in love with him once again?His mind screamed of favorable thoughts.

Jungkook smiled ignoring the other half of his mind that told him it isn't right!.He ignored the sound of his mind that said he isn't being reasonable.He ignored the thoughts of his heart that said ......-tae deserves better.

Jungkook smiled despite all the thoughts of negativity.After years of resolutely of not allowing himself to fantasise, he let himself slip for a fraction of a second - he imagine what it would be like to be taehyung's real husband,or to how it to be walk with their hands intertwined,or else to lean over and kiss taehyung infront of his friends and family like that, without feeling self-conscious or awkward.

Jungkook shook his head with a small smile on his lips like he had decided something???...........

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