Chapter 38-Drunk

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Taehyung huffed, tilting his head back, gulping down the acid like substance through his throat, causing him to wince.He stick his tongue out and gagged at the foul taste but giggled looking at the encouraging friend infront of him.

Hobi was shouting and squealing as a process of encouraging taehyung having his first glass of liquor.

"That's the spirit!, Taehyung!!".Hobi said as his voice slurred in process.His eyes were glazed that he blinked clearing the vision.

"T-thanks".Tae giggled nudging others shoulder as he became shy because of the sudden praise from hobi.

"Want m-more?".Hobi asked raising his brow making tae nodd egerly.Tae wasn't opposing to drink now as he done as earlier.Infact the feeling of the dizziness or the feeling of freedom made him wanting more.

Tae hiccuped his eyes slightly watering as he finished the fifth glass of beer.He pouted looking at the empty beer bottles around them.There wasn't anything more to drink and it made tae super pissed.

"H-hobi....wakey".Tae shook hobi's shoulder who was in deep slumber .

Hobi wasn't even moving nor was doing anything to bring taehyung some booze that it made tae mad.

Tae leaned closer to others face and poked a finger on hobi's cheek causing hobi to turn his head opposite, muttering something incoherent.Taehyung gritted his teeth at the complete ignorance of other that he brought his face close to others biceps.

Tae breathed heavily, again glancing back at the peaceful sleeping face of his friend angrily before opening his mouth and biting others biceps so hard that he couldn't sleep any more.

Hobi startled up causing him to crawl few steps back through the ground, wincing at the pain.He looked horrifyingly at tae who was smirking at him as he done something great.

"What the fuck ! Are you crazy?".Hobi shouted in complete disbelief ,looking terrifyingly at taehyung.Did tae want to kill and then eat him?If not why would he bite him?Is tae is a werewolf?Hobi blinked his eyes confusingly at the all possible questions going on his head.

A sudden feeling of nausea made hobi gag and his throat to become dry.He instantly grabbed a piece of cake from the plate that he gotten for tae before stuffing his mouth.

"T-That's soooo disgusting".

Hobi looked up hearing tae's voice to see tae scrunch his nose disapprovingly.

"Sorry,there wasn't any side dishes".Hobi sheeply smiled making tae laugh aloud.

"C-Come on, let's go i-inside and make the party m-more cheerful".Tae said standing up dusting his clothes before offering his hand to other to grab.

Tae walked stumbling a little bit as hobi followed him inside.The party was still quiet except the mutterings of people making it more dull than a funeral.

Tae wander his eyes through the crowd before spoting Jungkook standing the centre surrounded by group of people.

Tae chuckled thinking how hyung could bear such a boring party for so long.He wanted to show Jungkook what a real party would look like.He wanted Jungkook all by himself not surrounded by them!!.

Taehyung marched towards one of the waiters and grabbed a champagne for himself.

"I need a drink too-".Hobi whined but paused seeing taehyung took the mic and climbing on to the stage.He blinked his eyes in confusion nevertheless followed his friend to the stage.

"He-lloo e-everyone....".Tae giggled waving his hand making everyone turn to him.He scanned his surroundings noticing many popular faces,actors and actress, politicians and many more unfamiliar ones.He smiled seeing the confused faced of everyone before spotting his Jungkook with a group of people.

"Jungkook H-Hyung....". Taehyung shouted himself blushing when Jungkook's gaze locked with him.

Jungkook face mirrored the clear confusion as others but tae could see the worry in it.Hyung's long lashes ,those soft lips ,that prominent jaw ,the strength of that arms under that black suit he wore.All were so perfect.Tae blushed hard his face colouring deep red.

"Hyung,you are hot t-tonight".Tae shouted being so daring than usual.He made a kissy face and kept sending flying kisses to Jungkook till hyung looked away from him.Taehyung giggled seeing his effect on Jungkook before averting his gaze to others.

"G-Good evening l-ladies and gentle mens... Don't y-you think i-it is quite b-boring party?". Taehyung asked looking keenly at everyones faces before leaving a long sigh from mouth.

"I k-know it is the w-worst party y-you have ever attended j-just from looking at your damn faces.And I-I am sure you all might be s-sleepy and o-only wanted to go h-home,right?.......But d-don't worry, we are blessed w-with a g-good singer-".Tae hiccuped making him laugh.

He drink the champagne in his hand before turning to everyone sheeply.Taehyung can see now, some of the faces infront of him were relaxed and was looking excitedly at him.He knew what they wanted.

"S-sorry j-just some hiccups".Tae smirked before continuing."So a-as I am saying here is my friend hobi is going to freely perform for us.So please give him a warm w-welcome".

Tae nudged the shoulder of hobi making him stumble forward.Hobi stared in disbelief at the crowd infront of him.His eyes watering hearing the clappings for him for the first time before glancing back at his taehyung.

Taehyung smiled directing his infamous boxy smile to hobi before facing the crowd again.He could sense the intense gaze of Jungkook on him that he smirked widely.

"Also if you support I will also sing along with hobi?".Tae quirked his brow wanting to impress them- especially someone with his own skills.He was in the dance and music club of his school that he was somewhat confident in himself.He perfectly danced his wedding dance too because of it.

The loud cheering from the crowd made tae smile gratefully.He locked his eyes with Jungkook's piercing one feeling the flow adrenaline in his veins.It made him excited,high and confident.Taehyung licked his lips still holding other's gaze before giving a wink at Jungkook making Jungkook surprise.

Tae smirked seeing the startled expression of his hyung before passing another mic to hobi.

All the spot light were directed to the hobi and taehyung as they stood beside each other in the centre of stage.They both looked magnificent and attractive at the same time captivating.

The soft melody voice of hobi made people gasp as he sing the lyrics with his closed eyes.It was a romantic song that made everyone fall in love.

Tae smiled seeing at the dreamy look on hobi probably thinking about his bestfriend as tae noted.Tae shook his head before focusing his eyes on someone,his Jungkook.He shyly smiled before sing along with hobi.

Tae locked his eyes with that piercing gaze singing the cores feeling the love with his heart.His deep voice followed the rhythms of the lyrics making everyone awe.

Tae could see the surprise, affection, appreciation....all that flashing across Jungkook's face.The bunny smile that tae wanted for himself was on full display that tae blushed hard.His voice become down into octave pouring the love through the song bringing everyone into another level of music.

Taehyung averted his gaze to hobi who was singing along with him making the song a master piece.They both smiled holding their hands together nodding their head as in recognition made them smile in the song.

The song was in the last stanza and tae was enjoying it's rhythms just like everyone when taehyung's eyes followed back to Jungkook.He blinked his eyes feeling blurriness and sudden dizziness.

Tae spotted Jungkook in exact same spot but now Jungkook wasn't concentrating on him.That gaze wasn't on him,but was on Sofia.

And then taehyung hiccuped.

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