Chapter 63-Christmas

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Jungkook looked outside of the glass window of his office in the evening when the first snow of that year hit Seoul.The tiny white beads fallen from sky making this years Christmas even more beautiful.

Jungkook wanted to reach out his hand and feel the coldness.He somewhat missed taehyung in that moment.It would had better if they snuggled under the blanket and enjoyed the view together.

He shook his head, snorting at his silly thoughts.He smiles and turns to the television screen when he heard taehyung's voice.Tae was all over the media for a few days of now as part of the Christmas programs.And since today is 24th making it him even more busy.

Jungkook sat on his chair listening to the interview of younger.Tae was being proactive making the interviewer all shy and blushing.

Jungkook shook his head with a smile as he saw the women's face becomes beet red again.

"We would like to know about your love life V. Do you have someone you are looking forward to spend this year Christmas eve with? ".The lady asked along with the loud squealing of crowds.

V smirk as his eyes scanning his fans with a mischievous glint.Jungkook tapped his fingers on table wanting to know tae's answer impatiently as everyone else.

"So eager to know, are we?".V licks his lips making his fans whine slightly.V chuckled when he heard someone distinctively shouting 'daddy' from the crowds.

"Calm down guys!". He smiles his ear colouring red. "I'm literally spending my eve here, aren't I? Who should I spend this beautiful Christmas if its not with my fans?".

Jungkook slumps back to his chair when younger trailed of his answer.He had partially expected taehyung replaying just like that, yet he was hopeful to hear something different..... something he wanted....

"-is special,Since I'm celebrating this Christmas with my family! ". Jungkook looks up to the screen when he heard the word family.A small smile forms his lips eventhough he tried to mask it well.

Jungkook couldn't got so many chances to court younger after his failed attempt of dinner that day.He was literally down with hopes and was almost given up on his selfish dreams to have tae all to himself whenever he saw tae with Kai.

And to his dismay tae was always with his boyfriend tagged alongside.They were like a sun and sunflower.Tae would always shine brighter in the presence of Kai.Tae gets more chattier, enthusiastic and open up with Kai but not with Jungkook.

With Jungkook,tae tend to be more mature,calm and almost silent.There was a tension that Jungkook couldn't read.

And It all made Jungkook almost sad.He felt guilty to even hope tae would love him back instead of Kai. He knew he is being a villian in between them.He knew he is acting selfish..

Yet here he is! Wishing something that would never be his!

Jungkook got home before taehyung at that night.The home was well decorated with bells, reindeer, candles, candy canes, garland, stockings, wreaths, snow globes, and angels. Not to say the grand Christmas tree at one corner of home.

Taehyung was the one who was behind all those decorations.Jungkook even question tae once 'wasn't it too much', yet younger only shrugged with a huff saying Jungkook is too old fashioned.

Jungkook went to fresh up for the night and entered the living room again only to meet with tae standing before the tree.Tae was beaming as he turned to Jungkook.

Younger was in the same clothes as Jungkook saw him earlier in the interview,but looking more enchanting as ever in person.Jungkook smile and nod his head."Merry Christmas,V".

"Uh..V?".Tae raise his brow playfully, his lips tuggs to an amused grin."Merry Christmas too Jeon!".

Jungkook chuckle, reaches over and flicks him on the nose. "Don't be daft, taehyung." He says smiling. "Why are you so late?".

"Oh,I was drop by to see kai and some of my friends on the way.They are partying at the club".

Jungkook's smile dimmed and his heart tighten uncomfortably hearing taehyung. He felt sad at the thought of tae missing out of so much fun in his life.

Tae might wants to spend this night with his peers.There is Kai and his friends who is enjoying the night in its prime.Jungkook's fist clenched at the thought of tae being left out because of him.

Was tae came home because taehyung thought he is alone? Did he is being a bother now? Jungkook sighed when his mind listed many negative thoughts.

"Why didn't you join your friends? It would had been fun you know?". Jungkook point out , trying to keep his voice stern.

"I was tired".Tae answered as a matter of fact.Jungkook nod his head in relief and disappointed at the same time.

"Right,You should rest.It must be an exhausting day". Jungkook said trying to ease his mind.Eventhough he really wanted to spend some quality time with tae he suppose he can't now.

"Do you want to go for a walk, hyung?".

Jungkook was taken aback by the sudden proposal from tae.He would had doubted wheather he is the one voiced the idea if he didn't see the excitement in those eyes."A walk?".

"Yep!".Tae smile as he continued."Christmas nights are the best!.I would always go for a walk at night when I was abroad.So would you like....".Tae trailed off making Jungkook smile and hum in agreement.

Jungkook soon realised taehyung's words is true as he saw the wonderful decorations in the streets.Every house had it's own Christmas trees and bulbing.It made the night more beautiful.

The roads wasn't crowded considering they lived quite away from the city.Jungkook saw a couples passing by them side by side being intimate in that romantic night.

Jungkook's eyes followed taehyung almost unknowingly and saw younger also staring that couple.

Jungkook snorts, and they carry on walking through the grounds in silence. It's not an awkward silence, exactly, but . . . no, it is awkward

"Are you cold?" . Jungkook asks slowly, smiling down at him as they walk.Tae has to look away, the intensity in his grin too bright in the darkness.

"A little".Tae replies, and Jungkook sidles closer to him, like he thinks his stupid body might make tae warmer.

They walk until they reach a busier street corner, bright night lights casting pink and orange shadows across their hands and faces.

Jungkook sneaks a glance at tae, watching the way the streetlights catch on the black color of his hair, the flush of his cheeks in the coldness and how the fog comes out of younger's mouth.

They watch the cars sweep by in silence until taehyung's pinky caress up against the side of Jungkook's hand, leaving it there to feel the warmth.

Jungkook shoot a subtle glance at tae as their hands back slide again.Jungkook slowly gives in and goes to hold taehyung's hand, clasping it tight with chilly fingers with a bunny smile on his lips.............

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