Chapter 43 -Six years

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After 6 years

Jungkook adjusted the tie looking at the mirror infront of him.He was wearing the designed suit taehyung once brought for him.The dark blue colour similar to black were dimmed in years and the design lost it's attractiveness too.But nevertheless it gave a magnificent touch to his body.

Jungkook runs his fingers along through his long grown black hairs that is perfectly combed backwards.Some strands of hair fallen again over his eyes making him sigh in defeat that he didn't cared to comb it more.

Jungkook eyed his face that lost it's shine over years but was more serious than ever feeling nostalgic.He remembered standing there, staring at himself in the mirror and seeing him wearing the exact suit a few years ago.Now his eyes looked tired than before and face lost it's charm.It wasn't surprising considering his age.

Jungkook nodded his head in satisfaction looking him head to toe in mirror before grabbing his coat and exiting his room.

The house was in pin drop silence making it more grimace than ever.He glanced towards the kitchen like usual missing the presence of someone before shrugging the thought and walking forward.

The drive to 'Jeon inc' was fast but was accompanied by the growling sounds from his stomach.That irritating sound always reminded of the person who made him breakfast in early morning. He missed having those little burnt foods tae prepared for him.It only remembered more about the person he is hoping to forget.

Like usual the greetings and a cup of hot coffee from Amy made him relaxed and refreshed to start the day with positivity.The way he immersed himself in work simply made him live forgetting everything.

The work was an addiction that helped him to forget about those tears, crying and the pleading eyes of a small boy.It helped him momentarily to be the Jungkook he always been.But he himself knew that day when taehyung gone from his life he simply lost something.

It must be the guilty of forcing a boy against his will to go from here,or it must be the the words unspoken by the boy may simply something more.....

Jungkook looked outside of his glassed window to see the Seoul city underneath him,placing his both hands on the pocket of his pants feeling a strange calmness.It was simply beautiful day but it remained him of that time he send off tae at airport to depart.

Tae didn't answer nor moved but simply stood still infront of the checking point of airport ,his eyes staring deep into Jungkook.

When the announcement of his flight heard , Jungkook shook his head unable to resist the strange impulse,hugged the boy close to his heart feeling the first time the slender figure in his arms, breathing the sweet bitter scent.

Tae blinked taking the notice of the warm body of his hyung warped protectively around him.A strange sadness filled his chest but he didn't move , secretly enjoying the show of care, something he didn't happen to recieve everyday.

"Be good and happy, taehyungie". Jungkook murmured against tae's ear, watering the corners of tae's eyes.The boy trembled in jungkook's arms hugging back hyung more tightly using his small arms.

Then tae placed the hands on Jungkook's chest and looked at those piercing cold eyes before suddenly pecking those soft lips of Jungkook making Jungkook taken back.It was only for a second but tae eyes glistened mischievously looking back at Jungkook.

Tae runs his fingers over Jungkook's frown brow now smiling a little sad smile,but strangely the first smile he had shown in a long time.

"Wait for me, Jungkook hyung ".Tae whispered slowly leaning forward and hugging the other once more.He closed his eye smiling yet tears flow through his eyes listening to the heart beat of other.

Jungkook shivered at the contact , feeling the world had stopped when he felt the wetness on his shirt.But as he parted everything began to move slowly but strangely.

Jungkook blinked his eyes looking at the disappearing figure of taehyung.At that moment he felt empty, sad and something more......

Jungkook waited in the airport for past thirty minutes even after taehyung's flight took off,even after tae is gone.The guilty and regret filled his chest breaking him unknowingly.

Jungkook tilted his head remembering the bitter sweet moment of his short married life sitting in the office.

Tae was like a wet puppy that needed a shelter from rain for some moments before running away from him.Jungkook was more than glad enough to provide that shelter and to protect tae simply.There shouldn't had anything more into it.

But then again those muffled murmuring of the boy in his chest and tight clutching on his shirt using those small arms remained Jungkook of a unspoken promise.

Jungkook looked down at his fingers where the bright platinum rings held beautifully making himself aware that he is married.It was the symbol of their marriage......a marriage that can call off whenever tae find a suitable partner for himself.A partner that will make taehyung happy and cherish him for who he is.

Jungkook turned his head side, hearing the loud commotion from the telivision about the famous idol V.The reporters where flashing the cameras and surroundings the singer egerly to get one snap of that beautiful face.

Jungkook smiled looking eagerly as one of those reports to get a view of that face ,his taehyung's face that he hadn't seen for last six years.

It didn't surprised when Jungkook heard tae is auditioning for idol or when tae become an idol.That boy had a nice melodic voice that melted everyone's heart.So Jungkook was expected that much from the boy and was very proud when tae become one of the most popular celebrity across the world.

Taehyung's growth in industry was rapid and he gained peoples attention fastly.The handsomeness and attractiveness of the younger made him more fans around the world.The radio, telivision and media were all filled with taehyung's news all the time that Jungkook begin to more socially active.

Jungkook sharpened his ears when reporters started to ask numerous questions to tae.Tae was wearing a silky mild yellow with black luxury shirt along a tight dark jeans, making him more captivating ever.The innocent face from before were replaced with the noticable smirk as Jungkook noticed.Tae changed as the years passed by and now he wasn't the the small kid that Jungkook once knew.

Jungkook could see tae trying hard to walk pass by between the crowds of fans and the reporters around him.Reporters were engulfing V directing questions with questions that Jungkook chuckled a bit.

Jungkook increased the volume of the telivision in maximum trying to make out the words of V.He really wanted to hear that voice of his tae that he hadn't heard for long time.

V smirked waving his hand to his fans making Jungkook smile ,before turning to the media giving a wink as usual.He said a small sorry to them as the bodyguard cleared the way for him to enter the car.

As Jungkook noticed V wasn't alone to enter his designated car ,as usual there was another different person tagging along with him.The media snapped the picture of them holding hands and leaning towards each other creating a revolutionary sensation inside the fans.

If Jungkook remember correctly it was tae's fifth scandal within this month.The nation's young hot, handsome man was dating men and womens like used tissues.Jungkook always hoped may be that will work out whenever each new scandals of tae come out.But tae surprised him finding another one within the weeks.

However today Jungkook have a gut feeling that this new relationship of tae will definitely turn good.Tae seemed more happy....more happier than Jungkook ever seemed him.

Jungkook smiled widely once again running his fingers through the shining ring in his hand.

Maybe he should remove it now........

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