Chapter 57 -Lanterns

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The morning sun lights where scattered around the room from the opened window as it defeated the darkness.The buzzing and crying of cicadas and birds can be heard from outside as a symbol of another fresh start of a day.

Jungkook's lips tuggs up as he snuggle more into something soft-...something more like a pillow??.

It was soft yet squishy.He runs his fingers through the curves feeling the body heat from it.Jungkook squeezes it close to his body and inhale the sweet strawberry scent full to his lungs.He nuzzle his nose more into it as he smile widely.

The wriggling of something underneath his hands made Jungkook to narrow his brow.He pulled the addictive scent more to himself as he an irritated growl left his mouth.He didn't wants to wake up yet, not when he felt this safe and peace.

Jungkook give a wet kiss on the crook of the pillow where his lips touched.The soft pillow??...NO Not a pillow but a slender body.

Jungkook smirks as he place another kiss on that veiny neck.The body wriggles in his tight grip as he continue to place sloopy kisses.

A throaty moan left from that sinful mouth that send shivers to his cock.He smirk and was going to-

Jungkook instantly open his eyes and look frantically to the person beside him.His breath hitch as he realise tae sleeping peacefully yet sinfully close to him.

Jungkook's arms were around the slender waist of the boy and his tight hold leaving no space in between them.He blink his eyes as everything settle down in his mind.

In a second Jungkook back away from tae like his hands burnt.He fall down from the bed with a thud as his mind screamed how wrong it is.He gripped his hair in irritation and cursed under breath.

He slowly glanced to the calm sleeping face of younger on the bed.Jungkook's heart was beating erratically as he saw that face.He couldn't possibly distinguish why his heart was running like a marathon.Was it because of guilty?.. regret? ..fear??...OR something more?????????

Jungkook shook his head, clearing the nonsense out of his head before standing up.He dusted his cloths and walks out of the room lastly glancing at taehyung.

Eventhough he felt wrong by whatever he did in his sleep, when Jungkook glanced up on his bathroom mirror he was smiling....There was a small smile playing on his lips even after he restricted himself not to do. It felt weird and strange to see him not to freaking out but smile in that situation.

And it made him freakout....................


Jungkook didn't wait for taehyung to wake up before going to the office in that morning.He didn't know how to face taehyung that he decided it better not to see younger then and there.He wrote a note and placed it beside the bedside before leaving to office.

It was a good day as he thought.The meetings went more smoothly than ever ,he was satisfied with the ideas brought by the planning team and he hadn't had to shout at anyone for anything.He was calm and refreshed than ever.

Jungkook felt happy infact.

He had decided to go home earlier that day.He has a strange enthusiasm to go home and meet younger soon.He warped up his last meeting nicely and was on the way to his office when he heard about lantern festival.

Some of the employees were discussing about that in excitment.Jungkook smiles nodding his head when a small smile sprout on his lips.

Jungkook handover the verified files to his assistant fastly."Amy, you can leave early for today.Enjoy the lantern festival with your family".He smiles before walking by but turn beside as he hear Soobin's voice.

"Hyung, what about me?".

"What about you?". Jungkook asked not missing the beat.

"Ah...can I leave early too?".

Jungkook narrow his brow before shook his head."Why would you leave early? Do you have someone special to spend lantern festival with?".

Soobin pout and his shoulder slumps down."No, but I wants to -".

"Then you should work extra hours and improve your skills". Jungkook chuckle but dismiss Soobin's whining with a sharp gaze.

"Amy make my car ready ,I'll be down there within two minutes". Jungkook instructed as he went to his office to take some files to home.

He glanced at the photo of tae on his table as his heart skip a beat.In the past few weeks, he'd become attached to taehyung again.

Though he would like to say otherwise, as horribly selfish as it was, he was looking forward to the next several months of being together with younger.

The days spend with tae was special.Each moments he felt more alive and happy.....

Jungkook nod his head deciding to take taehyung out in the festival.They hadn't gone out together since tae came back from abroad.He was always busy or tae had dance pratices.So maybe it's a good chance to spend time themselves.

In past ,tae always liked to celebrate everything.The boy was cheerful and happy as long as he is with him.The sweet memories brought smile on Jungkook's lips.

Soon he walk out of the office and get inside his car.He had offered to drop off Amy at her home since it's on the way.

The drive was pleasant and comfortable eventhough both of them didn't speak much.He glanced at the passenger seat with a smile."How is your family?".

"Pardon?".Amy snapped as she couldn't mask the initial shock hearing his question.

Jungkook chuckle and shook his head.He knew Amy was always on edge whenever she is with him unlike Soobin who is so extrovert.

"They are fine".Amy clears her throat and she smile widely."How about your husband sir?".

"Drop the formalities Amy.We aren't at 'Jeon inc'. And as for what you asked, taehyungie is fine".He says turning the starring wheel of car glancing at the mirror.

"Are you on the way to pick up taehyung from park entertainment?".Amy asked still being awkward to have normal conversation with her boss out of office.She couldn't bring herself to you speak casual considering the seniority in age and respect on him.

"Yes,I'm". Jungkook smiles as he answers. "Do you have any recommendations to visit anywhere?".

Amy nod fastly as she suggests. "Han river would be best to visit at night during this time.It is a good lantern sight seeing spot ".

Jungkook nodd his head as in affirmation as he considered her words."Thanks".He smiles and soon settled in the comfortable silence.

They got to her home shortly after that.He dropped off her when she smiles at him."Have a good date sir".

Jungkook raised his brow in confusion but thanks her nevertheless.

He hadn't likes to gave name for their visit.Was it a date? No...if he considered brining tae somewhere and spending their time together as a date ,he had gone plenty of dates with the boy till now.....

But the term date was good to hear.Jungkook smiles when he drive away to park entertainment.

It was a good day as of now..........

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