To Bleed Under The Sun

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It took an entire week for the hospital staff to decide that Itachi was fit for release, meticulously watching over him for the whole seven days and seven nights. True to Doctor Laurel's word, the new medicine being administered to Itachi seemed to stall the effects of his illness and even alleviate some of the raven haired boy's more serious symptoms, leaving him feeling better than he had in months. He still had a permanent bleeding cough, mild body pain, slight trouble breathing, and general fatigue - but it was far better than the excruciating agony he had been living with beforehand.

A lot had happened through those seven days. Of course, his team had visited him each and every day, spending long hours with him after their studies. Ruby would always keep at least one hand intertwined with his own during those visits, tending to his every slight discomfort with overbearing affection. She'd dot his cheeks with kisses and run her small hands through her hair, sending him long gazes with her silver eyes that left him both guilty and heartbroken.

Her smiles were, frankly, confusing to Itachi. They seemed so real yet so fake at the same time, like an impossible paradox that even he couldn't decipher. He'd tried asking her about it, but the crimsonette would just shrug it off, just cuddling up against his body and holding on tightly. He knew that deep down, something was wrong, but he didn't want to ruin the fragile peace that his silver eyed sister seemed to have found herself, so he didn't say anything more for now, no matter how much it pained him to do so.

Weiss, at least, seemed a lot happier. An almost permanent smile was etched onto the heiress' face whenever they were together, her radiant blue eyes like priceless sapphire that lit up the whole room. She would stay by his side for hours, cuddling up to him and just basking in his presence. She'd buy him the most expensive and refined meals she could as well, not wanting to let her precious boyfriend be forced to eat hospital food. Itachi had said he was fine, but she had been insistent... but in truth, he was secretly quite pleased.

He wasn't sure what kind of business sold strawberry muffins the size of his entire hand, but he wasn't going to complain.

She also kept him updated on what was going on with her blessed mark. No tangible changes had happened yet, the mark still only giving her a boost to her aura and physical attributes. But he'd rather monitor it just in case any negative side effects sprung up. Weiss herself seemed quite happy with the black mark on her skin, and would blush whenever Itachi would trace the sharingan with his fingers on the now black skin.

And when they were alone, they would get up to some... frivolous activities. Making out with the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company at 1 AM in the Valeian Hospital was certainly something Itachi never thought he'd be doing, but he couldn't be happier. He loved his icicle, and she seemed to return the sentiment - if her passionate lips and adventurous tongue had anything to say about it.

He still had to wear makeup on his neck to hide the love bites.

Blake was similarly in better spirits, a small but caring smile on her face as she'd talk to him for hours. About what? Anything, really. The two would discuss life and what had been happening while Itachi was in the hospital, something that the former shinobi was grateful for. Thankfully, nothing much of note seemed to have happened while he was unconscious, just a few notable field exercises and smaller scale school events. Blake would also get him books to read from the local library, leaving the boy with something to do in the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning.

Yang also seemed to hold her head higher now, her smile much brighter than it had been in weeks. She'd constantly be cracking jokes or making a pun, lighting up the room with laughter. She seemed persistent in getting Itachi to have fun and feel good, which although a bit grating at times, was something that the young huntsman in training appreciated. She'd always been finding ways that they could have fun, whether it be via simple board games or entire video game consoles that she'd somehow get into his hospital room.

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