Entrance Exam Part Two

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The small group of students stared down the Deathstalker. The only noise coming from the click clack of the Grimm's pincers, and the Caws of the Nevermore above.

Itachi unsheathed Black Rose, looking for any weak points in his opponent. He immediately identified the Joints and Eyes as possible targets. Now, he needed a plan to get past it's defe....

Just as Itachi was planning the first move, Ruby blazed past them all with lightning speed.

"Don't worry guys, I've got this!" Ruby called out to the group as she rushed towards the Deathstalker.

"...Why do I even try anymore?" Itachi questioned quietly as he watched his sister rush at the Deathstalker.

"Ruby!" Yang called out to her sister, worried for her safety against such a formidable foe.

While Itachi didn't voice it, he too was a bit worried about Ruby. She was his sister after all.

Ruby reached the monster in a flash, and fired multiple shots from Crescent Rose at it. The bullets didn't do much, at most leaving tiny cracks in the Deathstalker's bulky armor. The beast then swung at Ruby with its mighty tail, causing her to jump back in surprise. 

She fired a few more shots, but seeing that it was no use, she began to run back towards the group. But suddenly, the Nevermore spread its wings and launched dozens of razor sharp feathers towards the ground.

The feathers raced towards the earth, jamming themselves deep into the ground. Ruby was able to dodge most of them, but a few managed to hit her cloak, pinning her down to the ground.

"RUBY!!!" Yang screamed, already racing towards the scene.

Itachi's eyes narrowed, but he didn't move. He had a sneaking suspicion that Ruby would be just fine without his interference. But his grip did tighten on Black Rose ever so slightly.

Ruby struggled to get free from the feathers hold on her. But wasn't able to even make them budge.

"Ruby move!" Yang yelled as she ran towards her sister, but she was being hindered from the constant feathers finding their way into her path.

"I'm trying!" Ruby screamed back as she struggled. But it was no use, the Deathstalker finally reached the young girl. It reared it's tail back, preparing to stab right through Ruby!

Itachi finally decided that he may need to intervene. He bent his knees, preparing to dash right in and save Ruby.

Until Weiss beat him to it.

A streak of white zoomed past him, encasing the Deathstalker in Ice when its tail was inches from Ruby's face.

 "You are so childish!" Weiss reprimanded

Ruby opened her eyes to the sight of the stinger encased in ice and lowers her arms from their futile position over her head as she stares at her savior.

"Weiss...?" Ruby slowly asked.

"And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer." Weiss compromised.

"I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this." Ruby bit back.

"You're fine." Weiss remarks as she walks away.

Ruby reunited with Yang, the latter squeezing the life out of the former with a bone crushing hug.

"Yang...Can't breathe..." Ruby coughed out.

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