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I am trapped in my own mind.

This was new, a different kind of torture than I was used to my nightmares conjuring up. Long gone was the boundless void and shaky figures. The meetings of blurry, old faces faded with the repression of memory. Now all that remained was repeating nightmares. Full, unabridged nights of the massacre.

At first I had screamed in protest, giving my all to try and at least move an inch. I had struggled vehemently against my strings, but all I was, was a lifeless puppet. A rotting mind stuck in an empty husk of sin. I thrashed with all of my might, channeling all of my chakra and then some, but all was for naught, for I was merely a spectator in my own body.

The first hundred times were agonizing, having to watch as I ran my blade through each and every one of my family members. Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, Friends, Parents.


For some reason, her death was hitting the hardest each time, as if her screams grew louder with each reflection of my Mangekyou into her chocolate eyes. My heart thumped in pain with each sight of her, reminded of what could have been.

It never could have been.

But time just kept going, my conscious trapped in an endless loop. The anguish had long faded, only leaving apathy and the continued first-person viewings of my greatest sin. My mind went hollow, simply becoming one with the slaughter. I dully remembered that this was early similar to what I had done to Sasuke, forcing my greatest failure upon him half a million times to mold his confused heart.

Karma? No, such a thing did not exist. If it had, the leaf would be nothing more than a pile of ashes. No, it was something different. Something...more human.

The exact word alluded me, as did many things concerning 'humans'. Perhaps it was hypocritical of me to think such things, as I was a human. But who's to say that I am not lumping myself in with the rest of them?

You are your best critic, after all.

After the one thousandth time, the colors and sounds had faded. I had come past the rage and despair, leaving only an empty pit in my heart. No longer did I cry tears at the deaths of my kin, no longer did I scream in terror at my actions.

Nothing was left.

In a subconscious attempt to forget, I brought to mind the most recent happenings of my new world. Our mission had gone quite astray, hadn't it? The use of Amaterasu had been costly, and I was sure that when I woke up my vision will have payed the price. Not complete blindness, but enough to make a difference.

Of course, there was an entirely different problem as well.

Weiss had seen me use my Mangekyou. And although she had promised to keep quiet, I am unsure she will continue to comply unless I give a satisfactory explanation.

But what to say?

Explaining myself in full was out of the question. Under no circumstances will anyone on Remnant ever find out about the Elemental Nations. My existence alone is already pushing it, but I fear what would happen if the two realms fully collided.

Or, rather, I fear for what would happen to this one. If Madara or Pein were to make contact with this world....

It would be a bloodbath.

Now what to tell her...I suppose that revealing that the Mangekyou is merely an evolved form of the Sharingan, one awakened by the death of my mother, is acceptable. But I kept it a secret because of the great cost of its power. That would explain Amaterasu, and perhaps I could tie in my most extreme illusions to boot. Tsukuyomi was vague enough to not paint me as a monster if I worded it right. Plus, one ability for each eye? That seemed believable.

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