The Grimm

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Black Rose danced across the sky, its slashes drowned out by the unbearable screeching and howling of the grimm. I had lost count of how many I had slain, but if I had to guess, it would be in the triple digits.

I brought the katana down once again, slicing in two the head of yet another Beowolf. My ears then heard a growl behind me, the noise allowing me to react just in time, sending a Heat Stroke into a small group of Boartusks charging me.

I leapt into the air soon after, avoiding another charge from an Ursa Major. My Sharingan spun wildly in my eyesockets, taking in each and every detail of the battlefield. They soon locked onto Yang, who seemed to be getting overwhelmed by a large group of around fifteen Beowolves. I landed, crushing the skull of a King Taijitu with a chakra amped stomp. I dashed over to Yang, who seemed to notice my arrival with a slightly strained grin.



"Burning Blade!"

I sighed at her call, but ultimately resigned myself to our team attack. I dived past Yang, feeling her iron grip latch down on my ankles. I gripped the handle of my trusted blade with both hands, both for maximum striking power and to not let it fly from my hands. Yang then begun to spin.

Very very fast.

I grit my teeth as my vision began to blur, my Sharingan the only reason anything was visible at all. I ignited Black Rose in a sea of flame, the roaring of the fire only matched by the howls of Grimm. My weapon cleaved through them all like butter, the abundance of ash and dust seeping into my lungs, resulting in a splatter of blood now staining the emerald grass. Soon enough, Yang began to slow me down, my body finally coming to a halt, having to backflip in order to land on my feet.

We had taken down all of the Grimm surrounding Yang with that attack, giving her breathing room to prepare for the next wave. She glanced towards me, so I quickly wiped the blood from my lips.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"...Alright then. Go see if the others need help, these Grimm got a date with my fist!" She yelled, turning to face an incoming Beowolf. I nodded, dashing off through the clearing.

My Sharingan gleaned in the setting sun, pulsing a deep red. The strained to make out any of my teammates. My lungs ached, I could feel the waves of pain grow more intense with each breath. My body burned, chakra depleted from the almost hour of intense fighting. I suddenly pivoted, slamming the hilt of Black Rose into the bone mask of a Boartusk, stunning it long enough form me to quickly slice it in two. I jumped above the swarm, letting loose a wave of ice from my blade. The wave froze three Beowolves and a King Taijitu in place, the deep blue ice holding strong even against their struggles. I landed before them, putting and Ursa Major that was behind them into a Genjutsu. I rammed into one of the frozen Beowolves, the ice shattering on contact with my chakra amped body, The air pressure caused the rest of the ice to break as well, taking the Grimm with it. I did a one handed cartwheel, other arm raised high as I let loose a Thunder Claw at the Ursa, bisecting it vertically. As my body hit the floor, I blasted off towards Weiss, who I had seen while airborne.

As I approached, I watched as she battled against a Death Stalker, quite a big one too. She stabbed Myrtenaster into the ground, forming a large ice berg underneath the beast, sending it into the air. She then formed a glyph, which glowed a brilliant blue. The Schnee snowflake was dominant and proud. A barrage of electrified icicles at the monster's armored face. The burst on contact, the sharpened ice causing the Scorpion Grimm to howl in agony.

I took in the sight, her snow white hair billowing in the wind. Her sky blue dress flowed with elegance that put anyone else's to shame. Her porcelain skin, pristine, flawless. Well, except for her scar. It ran vertically across her left eye, the only mark on her perfect shell. But in my humble opinion, it didn't detract one bit. In fact, I think it adds to her beauty.

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