Prodigy VS Champion

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It had been a week since my return from the hospital, and I could confidently say that I was back into fighting condition...Okay not really, but I'm just so...bored. This boredom is amplified by the fact that I have to sit here watching other students spar. Even without my Sharingan, I could notice at least a dozen flaws in every students stance. Each movement they made could have been executed quicker, and each dodge or block was far to forced, wasting energy.

I watched as Cardin brought his Mace down on Jaune's Sheild, sending the defensive tool out of the blond's hands. Jaune let out a yelp of surprise, before being slammed to the ground by Cardin's second attack, bringing his aura into the red.

"This battle is over! Winner: Cardin Winchester! Mr. Winchester, you have powerful strikes, but please try and focus on your dodging and defending ability. Mr. Arc, you need to improve...well everything. But your offense is atrocious. Do I need to schedule you and your team some extra training?" Ms. Goodwitch addressed the two students. Cardin scowled, but nodded as he walked back to his seat. Jaune sheepishly looked down, mumbling a quiet "No Mam." Before walking back to his seat.

"Awww, don't worry fearless leader! I'm sure you'll be breaking legs in no time!" Nora squealed as Jaune took a seat beside her and Pyrrha. Ren, although offering no words of wisdom himself, nodded at his partners words.

Pyrrha nodded as well, peering at Jaune with her emerald green eyes. "Their right, Jaune. You'll get better, perhaps we do need some extra training. All of us." She told her team, who all at least seemed to be excited at the prospect of more training.

'They need to be harsher on him, but they are on to something. Jaune is a strange case. His skills are akin to that of a Genin, but his aura reserves would equate to Jonin levels of Chakra. Perhaps his large aura reserves are related to his un-awakened semblance.'

As I continued to ponder about Jaune's skills...or lack thereof, I heard Professor Goodwitch call out to us. "Alright children, we have time for one more match up today. Do I have any volunteers?"

When I hear this, I smirk. My injuries were somewhat healed, the literal hole in me was still an issue, but I'm sure that I can deal with it. My sickness was an other issue entirely, but I couldn't really fix that. So, I stand up from my seat, and call out to Ms. Goodwitch.

"Professor, I believe I am well enough to fight." She turns to look at me, a thoughtful expression on her face, as if mulling it over. Eventually, she relented. "If you're sure, Mr. Rose. Would anyone like to volunteer to go against Mr. Rose?" Ms. Goodwitch asked the crowd. Murmurs swept over the room.

"Fight him, no way! He's a monster!"

"I heard he got in three years early!"

"I heard that he's never lost a fight, ever."

"I'm sure he's not that tough...Not that I'm gonna fight him."

I sighed, it seems that no one was willing to go against me. Although in hindsight, maybe I should have gone easier on them in my earlier battles. I still remember when I broke that kids jaw. Thank god these people have aura, or I'd be in jail by now.

Just as I was about to sit down, I heard a calm, confident voice sound. "I would like to go against Itachi, Professor Goodwitch." They said. I looked over to where the voice had came from, and saw Pyrrha standing up, her usual bored expression during combat training having been replaced with one of excitement.

"Very well then. Mr. Rose, Miss Nikos, grab your weapons and enter the ring." Ms. Goodwitch announced. I did just that, walking down the bleachers. But before I could get off of them entirely, I felt someone grab my sleeve. I turned around to see Ruby, giving me a look of concern. "Are you sure you can fight, little bro? It's only been a week." The look in her eyes almost made me reconsider, but for the last week I had been forced to watch others do battle. It was my turn. And besides, my injuries weren't that bad.

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