The Soul Splitter

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It had been a few hours since Itachi had left the alleyway, and he had busied himself with exploring the village. It served as a way to take his mind off of things, as there was no use worrying over something that he couldn't change.

He would know.

But Aine was supposed to be back soon, as according to the villagers, she usually returned a few sunrises after she left. Itachi looked out of the window beside him from his seat inside a twenty four hour cafe, eyeing the beginnings of the rising sun across the horizon. He could feel his broken and sickly heart tense at the sight, lungs burning as he stood up from his seat. He quickly threw his payment and tip on the table, before taking one final sip of his coffee and walking out of the door.

As he walked, he adjusted his slinged arm and winced at the pain. His body still throbbed from his battle with the Elder Deathstalker, along with his injuries from the train incident and subsequent defending of Vale. He coughed up a puddle of plot, taking deep breathes and steadying himself before taking slow steps down the street. His stained vision let him make out villagers that were beginning to roam the streets as the sun continued to rise, the majority of them giving him odd looks as they passed by. But Itachi didn't care much for their suspicious and judgemental gazes, he knew them all too well from his old life.

Even before the massacre, Uchiha and Civilian alike looked at him with fear and contempt, scared of his ruthless efficiency, jealous of his wit and power, or hateful of his lineage. It had become even worse the closer the Uchiha came to rebelling, his own clan elders and "comrades" looking down on his pacifist ideals.

But none of that could compare to his life after the massacre, the disgusted and horrified looks he got every time he was recognized in a village, the cautious and fearful looks given by his own Akatsuki allies, the look of betrayal, heartbreak, fear, and hatred on the face of his little brother every time they crossed paths...

Itachi knew gazes of hate very well.

'Aine should be back sometime soon, from what I could gather from the villagers, today is the day she usually makes her return.' He mused as he continued walking down the street.

Suddenly, a red kickball rolled over from across the street and lightly thumped against his ankle. He looked down at the rubber ball, before looking back up at a group of kids who were now staring at him in fear. They were in a large field that was surrounded by a chain link fence, behind a building that Itachi could only guess was a sort of school.

"I-I'm sorry, mister! It was an accident! Please don't hurt us!" One of the children yelled from across the street, taking a step back as they shook in terror. The young boy looked no older than seven, with brown eyes and short black hair. His skin was a light peach color, and he was dressed in a brown tunic with little black sandals. His eyes were filled with fear, unable to even look into Itachi's own.

The former shinobi kept his eyes on the group of children for a few seconds before chuckling to himself, with a slight movement of his foot, he lightly kicked the ball back over the fence, watching as it sailed right into the child's hands. He smiled at their stunned expressions, before turning to walk away. But Itachi didn't even make it five feet before the same voice called out to him once more.

"T-thank you, Mister!" The little boy shouted, making Itachi give him a small smile. He nodded at the young boy, who reached out his hand in an effort to tell Itachi to stay still. Curious, he did so, and watched as he and his friends quietly whispered amongst themselves. After about a minute, the lead boy from before took a few steps towards the fence, leaning against it and shouting as loud as he could.

"Mister, do you wanna play with us!" Itachi blinked at the young boy's enthusiastic expression, watching as the young boys looked at him with pleading faces. He considered his options, Aine wasn't here yet, so he really had nothing else better to do. And besides...

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