To Endure

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Itachi groaned as he opened his eyes, blinking slowly to get used to both a regular bout morning blindness and his actual vision impairment caused by the use of his Mangekyou. His eyes were soon as clear as they were going to get, so he resigned himself to sitting up in his bed.

The memories of last night were still abundant in his mind. He frowned, he had been too vulnerable, he had let his mask slip. Perhaps it was the punch, or maybe it was just an inevitability, but he would need to ensure it didn't happen again.

However, he supposed there was a silver lining.

His eyes drifted to the sleep Weiss, wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets on her bed. Her hair was a mess, white locks laid across the bed. Her ruined makeup from last night was gone, having been washed out by himself after they returned to the dorm.

After the...incident last night, they had stayed out at least another 30 minutes. They had kissed several more times, each one like a spark he could still feel on his lips. Only when he was quite sure she had cried all her tears, did he guide her back to their dorm room, hands intertwined all the while.

They were, of course, confronted upon their return. However, Itachi had been exhausted and not quite feeling up to the hour-long interrogation he was sure Yang had set up for him. Therefore, he decided to skip it entirely and simply waltz in with complete confidence, look Yang in the eyes, and plant a deep kiss on Weiss' lips. The complete shock on her face was something he would cherish for a lifetime. Then he had ushered Weiss into the restroom, cleaning her face off as well as he could before promptly dragging them both to bed. Weiss had protested when he laid her down in her own bed, muttering under her breath that she wanted to be in his. But Itachi knew Yang would probably kill them both if she ever saw that.

Itachi's eyes stayed trained on the heiress, a warm feeling spreading through his heart. His new relationship with Weiss was something that made him feel a plethora of emotions, both old and new.

Weiss was similar to Izumi in many ways, intelligent, considerate, holding a certain spark of independence that Itachi loved. But she was also different. Where as Izumi was shy and meek, Weiss was prideful and blunt. But that's what Itachi liked about Weiss.

Itachi then eyed the clock, taking note of how early it was. They had no classes today, the closest thing was their next mission, and even that was two days away. The youngest Rose sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anyway, and instead quietly got up from his bed.

He walked silently, shinobi training erasing the sound of his footsteps. He approached Weiss' bed, placing a tender kiss on her cheek before walking over to the coffee machine.

'Good thing we replaced this thing, It's nice to have coffee so close to the dorm again.' He mused as he brewed himself a cup. He got out his scroll, making sure to set its brightness to the lowest setting before returning to his bed, steaming mug in hand. He balanced it carefully against his chest, ignoring the harsh pain even the slight pressure caused. Instead, he quickly downed his prescription, the pain not numbing in the slightest.

The burning sensation was now constant, like he was in a limbo of being impaled and burned alive. But he contained his screams, it would simply be something he would have to learn to live with again.

He took a sip of his coffee, noting the energy creeping into his system. His eyes looked blankly at the scroll in front of him. He idly checked his tracker on Roman, only to frown when he got no signal.

'It must have run out of battery, oh well, I can deal with that later.'

The youngest member of Team RWBIY sat in his bed for a while, scrolling through the internet indiscriminately. It was rare he got to relax like this, but Itachi knew that it wouldn't last long.

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