Another Day

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Itachi's POV

A plethora of thoughts were floating about in my mind as I stalked towards the combat room, hands tucked away securely in my uniform. My steps clattered through the empty hallway, producing a monotonous thump that coincided with my shallow heartbeat. Each breath sent a burning pain through my body, seeping through my blood and into my very organs and bones like a wringed out sponge.

My medicine wasn't quite as effective as it used to be, now only providing a temporary comfort in the sea of hurt. I could practical fell my rotting lungs contract and wheeze each time I took in any oxygen.

But I ignored the pain, just as I always had. It was terminal, incurable. So there was nothing I could do, I still had a (short) life to live, and an ever so important mission to complete.

It's not like you could tell from the outside, anyway. My years in the ANBU and the Akatsuki had taught me not to show any sign of weakness, that weakness meant defeat and death. So I was able to perfectly mask my suffering behind a wall of indifference. Besides, I needn't worry my team, this was not their burden to bear.

My eyes itched uncomfortably at the thought, my once clear vision now clouded by an ever present filter of dull. Before, I could perfectly make out the list of announcements on the doors of the combat room from the other side of the hallway. Now, I had to travel around a fourth of the way there to make out the words.

In hindsight, I never should have let it get to the point where Amaterasu was required. I should have been able to avoid being injured while escaping the Wyvern, or at least awoken before Weiss was in absolute peril.

The thought still made my stomach churn, the haunting memory still a perfectly captured image, pristine in my mind's eye courtesy of my Sharingan. I had expected a look of terror, desperation, or even burning defiance in the face of death.

It was her acceptance that made me feel cold.

And true to her word, she had not spoken a thing about the Mangekyou or what really happened that day. Though she seemed quite fascinated by my eyes, and has asked multiple questions since. I've given vague yet truthful answers in an attempt to satisfy her, but they seemed to make her even more curious.

I suppose it makes sense though, the Mangekyou is unusual even as far as most semblances go. Having so many abilities would give anybody pause, and at least she was respectful with her inquires. She had even offered to have the best doctors in Atlas come up with a cure for the blindness. I had declined of course, but only because it would be no use.

During my early days in the Akatsuki, I had sought after several of the world's most skilled medical-nin. And through stealth and genjutsu, convinced them to attempt to heal my eyes. But to no avail. Perhaps it is not just physical, but also spiritual damage caused by the overuse of my cursed dojutsu.

But speaking of Weiss, she has been behaving a bit strange lately. I have caught her staring at me a few times, and each time I would make it known that I's noticed she would look away bashfully.

Woman really are strange creatures.

I shook away the thought, focusing on the present. I was only a few steps way from the door now, about to meetup with Pyrrha for a quick training session. I had been using our three off days to better my skills, although Ruby had made sure that just as much time had been spent together as a team.

It has actually been really fun, I must confess. I and Weiss had been released from the infirmary on Friday, and ever since then Ruby had been practically stuck at my hip. I could tell that although she had attempted to take my words to heart, that her compassion was still out-weighing them. Each day we did something new with our time, a team-bonding exercise, if you will.

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