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Daniel soon takes us back home, but before we leave has the female's body burn. As I look at her I see Daniel did not show any mercy as her guts are hanging out and her neck is snapped off.

I guess never piss of an Alpha while his true Luna is pregnant holding his pups. Tyen again his wolf is known for this, but at times worse.

As we get off Daniel's back I see the pack's sorrow as Lucy is being carried on a garny to the doctor. Daniel just rubs his head on my side while Anna cries for her dad's attention. Derrick on the other hand gets tired of it and kicks her causing them to kick each other makind Daniel growl lightly in warning. Soon he shifts back and puts pants on before kissing my forehead and grabs Anna. We then walk back inside where Alex is before they nod at each other and Dylan leaves myside. Alex takes Anna and blows razberries on her hands making her distracted from Dylan leaving. After he is out of sight Alex and Danny looks at me knowing I want to help.

"You promised him you would not." Alex says.

"I know."

I sigh before sitting down handing Derrick to Danny. Of course Derrick does not like being away from my breasts, but he is doing better than his sister's reaction fro being away from Dylan.

"He will be back." Danny says grabbing my hand.

"I know, but at the same time I worry."

Only after three hours Anna finially is sleepy closing her eyes.

'I guess all her fussing tired her out as my soothing never worked after Dylan returned to us that day.'

I layed her down in her crib before tucking her in with releif that she is asleep without Dylan holding her. I mean she always has to be held by Dylan to even take a nap. And to top it off this whole week's events probably tramautitized her. I hope it did not, but I wont find out until she can talk fully.

Yes I have been thinking of inventing something that helps either stregthens the bond or to read into her mind. I just can not bring myself to do it as I think it would be inhumaine and the risk of causing damage, I wont take, stops me from prosueding with the inventions.

I look at the clock and see it is almost ten pm making the worry increase. As Dylan has been gone since twelve pm after bring us back home. He did not even show up for dinner, but he did have it sent to the office as I was told by Danny and Alex. So dinner was tense, but managable as Alex and Danny was there. It did not help Ana was fussing not even eatting until I put on one of Dylan's shirts. It helped both of us to relax a bit, but also relieve to wash over me when Ana started to eat.

I look at both my pups and kiss their heads before walking to our bed to try to get some very much needed sleep.

After an hour I sigh and get up looking for Dylan knowing sleep won't come to me right now. I walk down the halls hoping to find Dylan's office, but after the third hall I just slide down the wall frustrated and emotional. I start crying quietly as I hold myself and all the events leading to today flashes back into the front of my mind.

Before I know it I feel Dylan rushing picking me up. He looks all over me making sure I am okay before holding me close letting the mate bond relax me to only hiccups. Once I was calm he carries me back to our room and spoons me while rubbing the baby bump helping me fall fast asleep.

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