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It has been so long and my pups have grown. Dylan has not returned and neither did any other pack members. Lucy has been helping me with my pups and Lily has been keeping their health in check. The rest of the pack that is in here have been treating me better, but still you can tell they don't like me. "Eat." Lucy says handing me a sandwich. "Just give it to one of the kids." Lucy growls in frustration. "You need it. Now eat so you can provide for your pups!" Lucy growls. "Fine." I grab the sandwich and start eating which relaxes Lucy. Since being in here our supplies are rationed, but seeing the kids still hungry and thirsty made me sad. So I have been giving most of my share to them. At first Lucy was proud, but annoyed. That was until I started to get weaker. After that Lucy was not the same and I can not blame her. We still do not know if our mates are okay and being in a confined place for so long makes it worse since none of the pack can shift in her without some kind of damage. I look at my pups seeing them sleeping so peacefully. It makes me wonder how they will sleep if Dylan returns. 'No I can not think negatively! He will come back to us!' Lucy hands me a bottle of water and I drank it not wanting to piss off the only true kind, to me, person in here. Later on Lucy sits down next to me holding my baby girl, Ana, while I hold my baby boy, Derrick. I kiss his forehead and he stirs in my arms still sleeping. I look at him and see he looks mostly like Dylan while my baby girl looks mostly like me. My hearts starts hurting and I hold back my tears from missing Dylan and Daniel. I still am angry the rouges have made it where he did not get to see our pups being born. Well apparently it was a safe thing since I almost broke Lucy's hand while I was in labor. Soon I set them in their mishift cribs, mostly just a basket with blankets on a chair. It angers me that they have to sleep like this since we did not think the rouge problem would take this long. After what feels like another month, in total 7 months, the door opens. There standing was Lance and some warriors. Instantly my heart drops not seeing Dylan. Lucy runs to him and they kiss while I hold back my tears and screams of agony. Soon Lucy helps me up and we let the rest of the pack get out of here first. Then I grab my baby girl while Lucy grabs my baby boy before we head out. Lance looks at me making me shiver negatively. "You gave birth?" Lance asks. Lucy answers for me. "Yes she did." Lucy says. Lucy and I then head back to mine and Daniel's room. Well now it's just mine and my pups room. Lucy sets them in their finished cribs before pulling me in for a hug. I cried my eyes out while she rubbed my back. Soon Alex walks in and I told them to leave. "Just leave we will be okay. Plus you need to be with your mates." They did not want to go, but in the end they did. So after they left I locked the door and took a shower from only being able to wash at the sink. After my shower I got dressed and watched over my pups. After they woke up I gave them a bath then fed them. Soon it was dark and there is a knock on the door.
I unlocked the door and see both Lance and Lucy. Lance looks around until his eyes lands on something giving off a creepy vibe. "Dinner is ready." Lucy says. I was going to say I am not hungry, but then I saw the look. "Okay thank you." They leave and I put my pups in their carriers before taking them to the dinning room. Once in there I set them on Dylan's seat trying not to cry. Everyone looks at me until Alex growls. I look at him and he nods at me before we started to eat. After dinner Alex and Danny are introduced to them. "Alex and Danny this is Ana and this is Derrick." "May I?" Alex asks. I nod and hand him my baby girl who is smiling at him. "Danny would you like to hold Derrick?" Danny looked so scared. "You won't hurt him." He nods and I set Derrick in Danny's arms. Alex smiles proudly at Danny making my heart constrained. After a while they set my sleeping pups in their cribs and soon I am laying on my bed dreaming about Dylan.

When I woke up I find myself crying from missing my soulmate. It was short lived since Ana started to cry waking up her brother Derrick. So I wiped my tears and got up to change them before feeding them. After burping them I rock them back to sleep while looking at Derrick making me missing Dylan and Daniel more. As soon as they fall asleep I set them back in their crib and kissed their head. Then I made sure the bedroom door was still locked and so were all the windows. After getting the creeps from Lance yesterday I made sure to lock everything just in case. I then sat down on Dylan's side inhaling his fading scent from his shirts and pillows. It hurts my heart, but it relaxes my body almost like he is here with us. Soon I fall back asleep until someone knocks waking my babies up. So I picked up my babies and answered the door. There at the door was Lance and Lucy and when his eyes looked at my babies I get another bad shiver creeps making me hold their carrier closer to me.

"Breakfast is ready then we have a meeting." Lucy says.

I nod and got ready after shutting the door. Once I was done getting dressed I put the twins in their onesies that Danny got them. After they were changed and put in their carrier we head to the table just thinking and remembering the times Dylan would carry me to the table. I slowly ate watching Alex and Danny try to feed my babies. Of course Danny is still terrified that he will hurt them since they are still babies, but as soon as I set Ana is his arms and handed him the bottle he seemed to relax a bit. While Alex was trying to feed Derrick, who keeps kicking his bottle, I see love and determination in his eyes. Alex soon finishes with breast milk on his shirt and spit up on his shoulder. Soon Ana finishes and Alex takes her to burp. I look at them and see unlike Alex Danny's shirt is breast milk free. As soon as Ana is burped Alex sets her in the carrier and he leaves to change. Soon breakfast is over and Alex and Danny is walking with me to the meeting. As soon as it starts Lance tells everyone what happened making my broken heart break even more, but I was not going to show him more anyone else it. As Lance was  telling what happened to my soulmate he looked directly at me and it seemed like he was trying to provoke me so I held everything I felt back. After the meeting I walked back to my room with my babies and as soon as the door is locked I let it all hit me again. I mean I never in my life have ever thought I would be a single mother of twins let alone being told my soulmate is dead, but the body was burned out of respect instead of being brought back here for the funeral. Hearing that news made me feel so angry and yet it felt like he was lying about it, but what reason would he have to lie about any of it. Then again why has he been giving me the creeps since coming back without Dylan. I let it all sink in, but as soon as Ana starts crying on my chest during tummy time I wipe my tears and soothe her while Derrick is playing with his rattle.

At least we have them.

After tummy time I set them in their cribs and started to pack just in case. I mean I was never introduced to the pack officially, I am not a member of this pack, and I am not a werewolf. So I can leave anytime and they do not officially have to accept or help if anything happens. And by the feelings I get from Lance is if I stay here he will do something and he will get away with it even though this pack is technically my babies' inheritance right to be the rulers, the Alphas. As soon as I was done packing time seemed to fly by and now it's bedtime. As I lay down after making sure my babies are asleep I think about Dylan and how much I miss him.

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