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It has been another month and let's just say that CiCi is really pissing me off. Since that day in Dylans office we have been under attack where now I am in the safe with the others.

"Angie come sit down." Lucy says.

She has been staying busy since Lance was locked up, but I can tell it is because of the mate bond.


She helps me sit down and she holds my hand squeezing it lightly.

"Help distract me please."

She nods smiling sadly like she understands what I am feeling and thinking. Soon we start the breathing as Lily is watching. She still scares me, but at least we are on better terms than the first time I was pregnant. She is even watching Anna and Derrick as it has been a week since Dylan locked the door. At first I lost it like I am never going to see him again, that was until Derrick needed me and Lily slapped me out of it.

After the timer went off telling my prenatal yoga is done from an hour I feed Derrick and Anna. We then entertained them before reading to them right before their nap. Just as they fell asleep the door breaks down and standing there is Lance. His eye black as the night while looking crazed scaring me even more. Lucy notices and lightly squeezes my hand as she stands in front of me like she knows why he is here.

"Mine!" Lance growls just as Dylan shows up tackling him.

They fight making Anna not happy as she cries for her dad. I grab my babies and dart with Lucy out of the safe house. Anna does not help as her cries get louder the father we get from Dylan.

Like I said before Anna's attached to Dylan as his baby girl slash princess.

I keep runing while Lucy shifts in her wolf before having us climb on her back. She takes off at full speed making me wonder where she is heading to.

She cant be on the other side, can she?

I shake that thought away as she has only been there for me since day one.

After what feels like an hour she slows down and starts sniffing the air. As she stops she allows me to climb off and she shufts back getting changed. We then head into a underground bunker which seems to be prepared for use in worse case sinerio. So I sat down and rocked my babies as I push the sadness and pain down.

"Angie stay put I need to check to make sure the security system is working properly." Lucy says.

I nod and listen to her footsteps as she walks away.

After what feels like another hour she is back and we eat before bed.

In the morning, I am guessing, the alarm goes off and the door is being breaking down slowly. My heart starts beating faster and I pick up my crying babies just in time as the door is fully off. There standing is a female with black eyes and a vine tattoo that wraps arounf her neck. Lucy growls and they start to fight as I dart holding my crying babies. I keep running as tears start to fall until my legs are too tired to keep running. At thus point I almost calaps, but I just lean again a big oak tree catching my breath. Too soon that female is back and smirks making me shiver with disguest. She stalks me like I am her prey until Lucy shows up looking like she is hanging onto her life by a thread. They fight until the female kicks Lucy's wolf off throwing her agsinst a near by tree. Just like that she is out cold, but I can see she is breathing. She turns to me in her wolf form and growls about to pounce on me. I try to move, but my body is like it is frozen in place as I hold my babies.

I am sorry Dylan and Daniel!

Just as my last thought ended I see Daniel and he jumps in front of us growling at the female. Anna cries louder hearing her dad until we heard a crunching sound. I am too scared to look, but Anna stops crying and pushes on my chest. I hear snapping then and before I know it I feel fur before the matebond. I looked up and Daniel licks my stomach making my look down.


Releave washes over my and I slide down the tree. Daniel watches me with love and releave shining in his eyes. Anna pushes harder trying to get free until Daniel nuzzles her making her grab onto his fur laughing. Derrick on the other hand cuddles closer to my chest as Daniel niffs him. He pulls away once he knows we are okay until Anna hold his fur tighter crying. He nuzzles her before licking her face making her cries turn into laughter.

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