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Since giving birth to my babies I have been doing everything Lily says. I mean she litterally terrorfies me even if it was for my pups.

It feels weird that Dylan is not here and sometimes I even cry myself to sleep just thinking about him. I do not know when or if he will ever be back. And I do not know exactly how long it has been since I last saw him.

Dylan's Pov

We have found their camp and scouted ot out before making a stratical plan. All my wolf wants is to be near our pregnant mate bending to all her wants and needs.

After making the plan we waited for dusk to attack and when it came my wolf was more than happy.

'You got that right! These rouges are going to pay for taking us away from mate.' Daniel growls in my head.

We sneaked into the camp and attacked as many as we could without  letting on we are here. It only took one to sound the alarm. The one I let go all because he was just a little kid. After their alarm went off we were in full on battle. Of course some of them retreated, but that distracted some of our warriors making them get injured where they had to retreat.

This went on until only a handful were left for questioning, but my wolf wanted them dead.

In the middle of questioning one of the older rouges a younger one,about 18 years old, escaped. I do not know how since they were being watched unless someone from the pack let him free. This only pissed my wolf off more. Andwehunted them down and demanded to know how they got free.

"I an't talking." The young guy says.

"I know more ways than my son on how to make others talk."

"I an't scared." Theguy says.

I smirk seeing him cover up his fear.

I was not called the ferious beast for nothing. And I was not feared by other packs who crossed me out of nothing.

'Oh the past and feeling of being Alpha.' Daniel says.

"You do know who I am right?"

"Yes the stupid ex alpha of that stupid pack and that you have a pregant hunter as a mate which everyone wants." He says.

'Let me at him!' Daniel claws to take control.

'No. Just let me finish before you can have your turn.'

"So you want what is not yours. Tell me boy why such a talent fighter is going to waste."

"Why so you can try to protect the obomination that you call your mate?" He asks.

Daniel claws hard not liking his choice of words.

"So you admit that you want what is clearly not yours."

"You are more stupid than I was told." The you guy says.

"Who told you about hiw stupid I may or may not be?"

This went on for hours and my patience was running thin with no complete answer.

'You think you can do better without killing him?'

'Yes.' Daniel says.

I gave him control.

"Finally!" Daniel says.

The guy looks like he is about to shit himself knowing my wolf's repretation.

"So pup are you done playing your little games or do I need to sharpen my tools?" Daniels says while smirking.

The guy gulps and stays quiet.

"Hum I guess that is a no. More fun for me." Daniel says then laughs.

Daniel then shifts my hand into his claw popping out his nails for show making the guy more nervious and scared.

"Now heres the deal if you do not answer my questions then you will feel the rath of my claw, but not in any important areas. If you do answer all of them I might just let you go." Daniel says.

"So we have an understanding correct?" Daniel asks.

The guy nods.

"So why do you want my mate?" Daniel asks.

"We were hired to take her." Theguy says.

"Who hired you?" Daniel asks.

"I.... I do....dont kn...know." The guy says.

Daniel swips at the guys ribs.

"Oh did I tell you if you lie you will get the same result as not answering?" Daniel asks.

The guy glares before spiting blood on our shoes.

"Well lets try this again." Daniel says.

"Now who hired you?" Daniel asks.

"I did not see them." The guy says.

"Did you hear them?" Daniel asks.

"Yes." The guy says.

"Were they a female voice or a male voice?" Daniel asks.

"Both." The guy says.

"Did they tell you why they want my mate?" Daniel asks.

"For her and her pups blood." The guy says.

"Is that all?" Daniel asks.

The guy stays quiet and Daniel swears the guy's junk lightly, but still causing they guy to bleed.

"You said not any important areas." The giy yells out in pain.

"Oh I meant important living organs lime your heart." Daniel says smirking.

"Now tell me all the reason or you might just get even worse." Daniel demands.

"Fine, they said its for power and revenge." The guy says.

"What did they offer you as a reward?" Daniel asks.

"$1000 and being part of a pack again or if we did not want that then our wildest wish." The guy says.

"How did you get free?" Daniel asks.

The guy stayed quiet so Daniel lifts him up by his neck making his gasp for air.

"He...." The guy says pulling on my hand.

"He who?"Daniel asks loosing his grip a tiny bit.

"The Alpha." The guy says.

Daniel growls.

'He must be lying. My son would not do that.'

"How do you know it wasthe alpha?" Daniel asks.

"He said he was and promised to let me live if I ran then."

"So just his word and you believe he is the alpha?" Daniel asks.

"He had a powerful aroma." The guy says.

"How powerful?" Daniel asks.

"About as powerful as yours." The guy says.

'It cant be true!'

"Where were you runing to before I caight you?" Daniel asks.

"To the other camp." The guy says.

"To do what exactly?" Daniel asks.

"To warn them." The guy says right before Daniel rips the guys head right off.

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