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It was Lance who was at the door making me fustrated. Part of me wishes to just be a family while the other part wishes my mate's past would stay away from me.

I gripped Dylan's arm and he looks me in the eyes. I knew our time is over since he is needed. I let of of Dylan's arm and moved past Lance heading to hang out with my best friend. I can hear Daniel whimper, but he does not go after me. So the farther I get the more it hear Daniel howling and whimpering. So as soon as Lance and Dylan walks by seeing Alex's arm draped over my shoulder hugging me to cheer me up Daniel took control. He pulls Alex's arm off me and pulls me to him still growling at us. Once my body is right against his I bang my fist on his chest making him pick me up and toss me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. He darts to our room giving me a perfect view of his firm ass in the process. I pinch his ass, but that only causes mine to be spanked and me to squirt in excitement. He runs faster smelling it until we are in our room and he pins us to the bed. I could feel the effects of my arousal had on him since it's poking me.

"Mine!" Daniel growls and starts humping me even though we are fully clothed.

"Get off me now and go to your precious son!" I yell banging on his chest.

He grabs both my wrists and pins them above my head.

"No! Your mine!" Daniel growls

I know if we continue this will go downhill, but I already feel like I am on a roller coaster.

"Get off me now!"

He looks hurt and taken back, but does not move.

"Why mine?" Daniel asks

"Because your precious son had to stop us just because he needed you for something. Now get off me!"

He rubs his nose on my mark making me shiver in delight.

"Mmm it does not seem you really want me to go." Daniel says then starts pampering my mark with kisses.

I moan and my leg wrap around his waist.

"Mmm you smell so good and....." Daniel says until there is knocking making me snap back to reality.

Daniel ignores the knocking, but it was just pissing me off more. So the only way to get him off of me was either scream for Alex and risk his life. Or kick my mate where the sun does not shine. I know if I do it will hurt him more than me, but that's still mine. The knocking turns into banging and it was now or never. I squirm and Kicked him making him roll over holding his jewels. I ran, opened the door, push Lanced away, and out the house. I could hear him recovering and soon chasing me growling. I ran to his truck and started it, but as soon as I start driving he jumps in front of it making me slam on the breaks. My heart was pounding in my chest and tears were falling like my eyes were fountains. He was in his wolf form and shifted right there showing everyone who is outside what's only mine. I could see Daniel still had control until our eyes locked than Daniel had only half the control. He does not move until I turn off his truck and he pulls me out to him. I cry in his arms and he holds me a bit tighter before carrying me bridal style back into the house with my face pressed up against his chest. He sets me down on the bed and sits down nest to me before pulling me onto his lap. He whips my tears and places kisses all around my face until I stop.

"We love you and want you save and happy." DnD says

He whips the rest of my tears away.

"We are torn between killing all that dares to hurt you and keep mating with you until you are fully satisfied." DnD says.

I stay quiet and curl up closer to them.

"What do you want us to do our mate?" DnD asks.

"I am torn too and feel like I am on a roller coaster of emotions. Alex was just comforting me by side hugging me. He understands all I have ever wanted was my soulmate and now I am torn between his past and our future."

"What do you mean love?" DnD asks.

"Part of me want to just be a big family, but the other part wants you to ourself trying to have our own family. It does not help that he knocked more than two different times and banged on the door while we were trying. It's like when we are alone it's us and everything seems to fade away that's not part of us. And then when someone comes breaking that bubble it just hurts more."

"I understand ours. It's like when Alex was knocking or when you guys make jokes or play fight, for me." Daniel says showing more.

After a moment us us just holding onto each other I broke our silence.

"You better go see what Lance needed."

He look me in the eyes and holds me tighter.

"Not until I know you are feeling better." DnD says

"Just go so I can be with you tonight."

They nods and kiss me before placing me onto the bed and grabbing some shorts. I watch his back retreat out the door and once he is far enough I allow my tears to fall freely.

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