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Angie's POV

It has been a month and Dylan lost control to Daniel for most of it. We are pregnant again thanks to Danny and Luna Lucy for watching our pups for three hours a day.

"Daniel please calm down."

He looks at me and pulls me against him before inhaling my scent.

Once he is calm he starts kissing his mark on me.


He smirks against the mark he gave me.

"Hmm?" Daniel purrs

"Please give Dylan control back."

He pulls away a bit.

"Why should I mate?" Daniel asks.

"Because this requires straight thinking and you are only thinking worried about our family."

"Why should I not worry? The female is back and has threatened...." Daniel growls starting to sprout fur.

"Daniel look at me love."

He pulls back a bit and looks at me.

"I am here next to you and we will not loose our family. Our pups is safe growing..."

I place his hand where in about a month or two I would have a baby bump.

".... in here safely."

He seems to slightly relax, but it is better than the past month since CiCi started this turf war shit.

"Yes mate." Daniel says before going to kiss the area before Anna starts crying.

He looks at her crib in here sighing before picking her up.

Another thing that has changed since getting pregnant again is Anna seems to notice. She literally cries until he picks her up and she stays in his arms. She won't even accept my breast milk unless he is feeding her a bottle of it. Literally we tried for a week and gave up, by Derrick is not complaining as he is getting all of the attention he wants. Dylan on the other hand was worried until the Dr Sal said she was healthy and to just give her a bottle.

"Daniel please."

He looks at me making Anna wail again until he looks back at Anna.

"I'll compromise, share control and nothing less than that." Daniel says.

Anna giggles as she holds his shirt and he smiles at her.

"Fine, but you need to stop hiding information from me too."

Yup he started to do that as he was worried how it would emotionally and physically effect me. I found out by accident making Daniel have more control almost fighting with Alex just as we made up for good.

"Nope not happening as I am not letting my pup feel stressed." Daniel growls protectively making Anna giggle.

"Fine then find a new room to sleep now on and this will be your last pup. Until you meet me at my terms and apologize begging for forgiveness."

Daniel growls, but I just walk away making him even more angry. I know why he did not stop me and it is because his hands are full with Anna his now shadow.

Literally she would cry even if he is using the bathroom or showering. The only time she does not is when he is holding her or she is asleep.

"Woah, what happened?" Alex asks looking up from kissing Danny on the porch.

"Ask my asshole mate."

"What did he do now?" Danny asks.

"Being a selfish jerk while keeping information from me."

"You know why he does it......" Alex says before I interrupt him.

"Who's side are you on anyways?"

"Does there have to be sides Angie?" Alex asks after sighing.

"Yes and we both know if the tables were turned you would feel the same way."

"There is the difference though...." Alex says and again I interrupt him.

"If you say the wolf thing again so help me Alex I will freaken loose it!"

As you can see we had similar talks.

"He is just trying to protect you and your guys pups. It is literally his instinct to do so. If this is how he feel is necessary then he won't back down no matter what." Alex says.

I sigh knowing just the past month he has been like this bullheaded stubborn over protective jerk. Well more so since finding out we are pregnant.

"It is not my fault he was an jerk and impregnated her let alone marked her. It is not my fault that she was brought back and is playing this sick plan. It is not my fault his son is in the cells because of betraying him and the pack. And it is not my fault everything is happening where he feels as if I can't handle anything all because of his instincts to protect!"

I was yelling at this point and I felt that old energy soar through me once again.

"Calm down Angie. I understand, but you need to understand his point. He was gone and missed his first pups birth. He was betrayed and come back having to deal with that. He gets you pregnant again and looses control to his wolf more frequently until his wolf took full control completely. He is literally a wolf trying to protect what is his the best way he can in each moment." Alex says.

I do rag doll calming technique.

"How is keeping me in the dark protecting what is his?"

"You remember when the rouge came and we let the information slip why?" Alex asks.


"That is why, he does not want you stressed or depressed or anything besides safe." Danny says.

I sigh now seeing a bit of Daniel's side.

"Now do you understand?" Alex asks.

"A bit."

I nod at them and headed back to Daniel.

As I opened the office door I see him setting Anna in her crib as she is asleep. He looks at me clearly pissed until I pull him in kissing him. He kisses me back allowing me to dominate it for a bit before he picks me up setting me on his desk dominating our kiss. He leans over me and starts kissing his way to his mark as he holds my legs against him.

"I understand a bit now."

He pulls back looking at me confused just as he was about to kiss his mark.

"You are worried if I know the information I would react the same as the rouge situation information."

"It's more than that." Daniel says looking into my eyes with lustful and worrisome eyes.

"Talk to me then rather than shut me out."

He sighs and pulls back a bit rubbing his face in frustration.

"I am you mate and it hurts when you shut me out Daniel."

"I know, I just don't know how to without us fighting more." Daniel says showing Dylan has some control.

"Just talk to me on what's on you mine rather than push it off like it's no big deal."

He sits down in the chair and pulls me onto his lap.

"I love you and our pups very much. I just want to kill her and be done with it, but he won't. Just like that male in the cells, he won't end it nor do anything besides keep him in there. To top it we are worried about this one and what CiCi has planned." Daniel says before I kiss him.

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