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After I had Dylan try it out I knew this suit would be the one I could not keep my hands off of him.

He walks out looking like a sex god. I licked my lip trying to not jump his bones here. He caught my movements and nods walking back to change. When he come back out we pay and head to another store.

"I so wanted to jump your bone back there."

"I could tell." Dylan says then pecks my lips.

We walk to a victoria secret store have a plan to seduce him right after my ceremony.

"Stay here please."

"Why?" Dylan asks arching his right eyebrow.

"Because I need to get somethings and I do not want anyone flirting with you."

"If you do not leave my side I can make sure it does not happen." Dylan says.

I knew this would not be easily so I decided to get them when Danny is getting his outfit for his ceremony.


We walked in and I went straight for the lingerie. When I grabbed a black one he grips my hips. I grabbed a red one too making his fingers dig into my hips making me want to mate.

"Are you almost done?" Dylan asks in a husky voice.

"I think that will do."

I then walked over to look at the underwear and bras.

"Stop playing with fire my love." Dylan grunts.

"How do you know I am doing it on purpose?"

"Because I can smell your arousal." Dylan grunt through his clintched teeth.

"Okay fine maybe I am trying to find some sexy items to wear in the bedroom."

"Oh you differently going to get my love once we get home." Dylan says showing his forest green eyes.

I grabbed some then headed to the check out and paid. We walk out and a bunch of guy Wolf Whistle at me. This makes Dylan look and growl quietly. He spins me around and pulls me against him to kiss me deeply making my knees go weak. My hands goes into his hair pulling him closer to my lips. He then breaks our kiss and we starts walking.

"Wait I..."

"Not the time." Dylan growls.

I look at his eyes and see them turning black. So I hand him a pair of sunglasses from my purse.

"Here, your eyes."

That is all I had to say for him to understand.

We walk back to the car at a fast rate and I understood why. His wolf was coming out. He helps me get in before he gets in and pulls out of the mall driving past the speed limit. He starts to sprout fur and in no time we are at the pack. He stops at the gate and his hand turns into claws. The guys at the gate look terrified. I got out and opened his door to have him shift completely. Once he looks into my eyes he understands what I want. He gets out and runs past the gate and into the woods shifting. I got in and drove it a mile before parking it. I got out and locked the doors before walking to my mate who is already in wolf form waiting for me. Everyone stares at me, bit I do not care right now. I know my mate needs me so I hurry to him and he shifts back grabbing me. He runs with me wrapped around him until he finds sudcluded area. He then pins me to a tree grinding on me.

"I need you mate!" Daniel growls.

"I know."

He lifts my dress up and tears my underwear off before he slams his full length in me.
We mate here in the woods, that his family owns, against a tree. He goes fast and starts kissing my neck. When I feel him twitch inside me he marks me again making me cum at full speed. He doe not stop until he is calm and satisfied that I am only his after shooting loads of cum into me.
He retracts his teeth and licks my new mark.

"I am sorry I had to or..." Daniel says.

I smashed our lips together making him stop. Once he calms down again I break the kiss.

"I understand. They should never shown any Alpha disrespect like that. And I should not have teased you so much."

"I love you teasing us. I was just them doing that after seeing my mark on you." Daniel says and kisses the newly fresh mark.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too my Angel." Daniel says.

He kisses me and deepen the kiss until he recalls what I said.

"How do you know they are werewolves?" Daniel asks.

"Easy they do not look like humans."

Daniel cocks his head.

"All werewolves look like sex gods to us humans."

"Oh." Daniel says.

I kiss him and run my tongue across his lip. He opens up his mouth and allows me to explore while we mate again.

After the second time Daniel give Dylan control back and we walk hand in hand to his truck then drove home.

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